... at a polling place near you. (Via Sun-Sentinel)
I just like the picture.

Attorneys Brian Seymour, left, and Gerald Richman outside the old Palm Beach County courthouse in downtown West Palm Beach. Seymour will represent the Republican party on election day and Richman will represent the Democrats. (Sun Sentinel/Scott Fisher / October 28, 2008)
Brian needs the ab roller.
Tool. Shed. What happens when the Shed is attached to the Tool, instead of just covering it up?
Breaking news . . . .
Guilty verdict in Venezuelan suitcase trial
Franklin Durán on Monday afternoon was found guilty of conspiracy and acting as an unregistered government agent for Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
Should of hired Barzee. He would have hung the jury.
The picture pretty much epitomizes what is wrong with the legal profession: Egocentric horses' asses -- to appear in the picture. Don't they have any real lawyering to do? Of course, Shohat's comment on his expected trial loss isn't much better. Guess he had to say what he did otherwise the family would cut him off fee-wise. And' let's not forget, Ben Kuehne is the best attorney in America (other than the local USA and the former ones who charge $600 or more per hour, LOL), and was entrapped.
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