There aren't many jobs where you get the entire summer off -- school teachers and.... Supreme Court Justices.
Here's Linda Greenhouse's summary of the October 2007 Term. She is retiring, so this may be her last article.
Here's a cool graphic from the article on the major cases of the Term:

Thanks for posting the article Davey boy. Wish lawyers had the summer off or even better wish I could come into the office in my bermuda shorts and sandals.
2:17, I'd settle for being able to wear flip flops with my suit and tie during the summertime.
Remember that McBush wants to appoint Justices like Roberts and Alito. Scary.
2:17, This is why I decided to go into private practice, so I can wear my hawaiian printed shirts to the office everyday.
6:12, not smart.
Shorts and a t-shirt for me. But only when I'm in trial.
Punks, all of you.
6:12, it isn't so scary so much as it is a dumb move!
I've been mulling getting into private practice for the past couple for months. Rumpy's given me an idea, move to Hawaii and have my office on the beach in a grass shack.
-attorney rejected by the princess, proud member since 2008!
The firm I intern for has casual Fridays but we're not permitted to wear jeans or runners.
I hate to break it to you, but if you can't wear jeans its not casual Friday.
3:15, our firm has the same rule. Jeans are NOT considered casual. Memo came straight from the firms' head during a morning meeting.
3:15, not every firm including the one I work for considers jeans to be casual wear. At the office we're permitted to wear dockers on Fridays.
6:17, the pleasant image that appears inside my head each time I read your nickname for the princess. A nice set of 'pearls'............
5:14,5:34, same rule applies at my firm. It's stupid because if jeans aren't considered casual then what are they considered?
5:34, no dockers allowed where I work. Suit and tie M-F.
7:29, jeans in most firms are considered casual. Only the stuffy and uptight firms will not allow jeans to be apart of casual fridays.
pearls...more than a pleasant image.
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