Sunday, April 21, 2024

Opening statements in New York v. Donald Trump

If you were giving the opening statement for the prosecution, what would your first line be?

And if you were representing Donald Trump, what would it be?

I imagine that the prosecution will start with something like -- No one is above the law.  Even former Presidents.  Donald Trump illegally interfered with the election by doing X, Y, and Z. 

And the defense will start with something like -- Prosecutions should not be political and that's all this is; President Donald Trump is innocent.  He did not interfere with the election.  He was shaken down by a stripper and he paid her.  There's nothing illegal about that. 

How would you do it?


Anonymous said...

Boobs and business paper. Only one of those can be fake.

Anonymous said...

Is this an election interference case?

Anonymous said...

Regardless of whether I'd be the prosecution or defense, I'd do my opening statement in my best Donald Trump impersonation to the jury.

"Many say he's guilty, I haven't said that, but many very very smart people have said that ..." *including hand gestures*

Anonymous said...

They went with election interference - I think that is a mistake. The term is commonly understood as fraud or something affirmative - fake votes, preventing people from voting, changing the outcome.

This was an attempt to win an election by keeping information from the voting public - that is is expected in every election.

Biden is trying to keep his mental condition/status out that election interference, but legal?

It was a conspiracy to lie on documents that require you to be truthful. Why he did it and what the import are should not matter. By taking up this burden - now I have to prove this was election interference - the prosecutor is making the case political and taking on more than they have to.

Bold when you are the prosecutor does not win you extra points.

Also, open for the counterpunch - Not sure where in the NY Code you will find the crime of "election interference", but we do agree this is about election interference - in 2024....and then put the prosecutors on trial about how the office dropped the case then caved to political pressure.

Anonymous said...

Well, not to be pessimistic, but statistically Trump's lawyers are likely to end up jailed, disbarred, sued, bankrupt, and unpaid by Trump. No matter where they started. So why not go full Cousin Vinny: "Everything that guy just said is [bull]."