What a season! I hope you had as much fun as I did with Season 2. And we have a great final episode for you. Who would represent Terry Nichols, one of the most-hated criminal defendants of all time, accused of blowing up the federal building in Oklahoma City? None other than the dean of the criminal defense bar, Michael Tigar. You can check it out on Apple, Spotify, and Google, All other platforms, including a regular desktop player, can be accessed on our website.
Some other important items:
If you are a Florida lawyer, you will receive 11.5 CLE credits for listening to Season 2. The code is at the end of this episode.
If you've enjoyed Seasons 1 and 2, please subscribe and leave a review. This is the only way we can gain momentum for Season 3.
The original music you will hear in this episode is by Omondi Nyong'o. The song, A Call to Arms, is really inspirational. Check out his work here.

Michael Tigar putting his hands on Terry Nichols' shoulders during closing argument.
I'd also like to thank the previous guests of Season 2:
- Alan Dershowitz (O.J. Simpson): Dersh discusses the trial of the century and other fascinating legal topics with his former student. Listen here.
- Jose Baez (Casey Anthony): Jose Baez has become known as one of the go-to trial lawyers, and it was the Casey Anthony case that thrust him onto the national stage. Listen here.
- Ron Sullivan (Aaron Hernandez): All hope was lost for Aaron Hernandez after he lost his first murder trial. Enter Harvard Law Professor Ron Sullivan who represented Hernandez at murder trial #2 and won against all odds. Listen here.
- Rob Cary (Sen. Ted Stevens): You would think that prosecutors would be on their best behavior in a case against a sitting U.S. Senator and one of Alaska’s founding fathers, but it took Rob Cary to uncover jaw-dropping and far-reaching prosecutorial misconduct. Listen here.
- Jayne Weintraub (Yahweh Ben Yahweh): Cutting off ears, death angels, and a Temple of Love. Another day at the office in Miami’s Justice Building where Jayne Weintraub defended who some called a cult-leader and others called a savior. Listen here.
- Abbe Lowell (John Edwards): The future was bright for Vice-Presidential nominee and Presidential candidate John Edwards until he was indicted in federal court for a cover up involving an extra-marital affair. He needed Abbe Lowell’s trial skills to keep him out a prison cell. Listen here.
- David Gerger (Robert Kaluza/Deepwater Horizon): Someone needed to pay for the biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history, and David Gerger made sure the government did not scapegoat his client Robert Kaluza. Listen here.
It's not too late to catch up on Season 1 if you missed it, which included the following lawyers:
Please send me your feedback -- and of course, subscribe, like and comment! If you would like to receive these updates, please sign up here.
Thank you for a great Season! --David

Hosted by David Oscar Markus and produced by rakontur
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