In a footnote from this case:
On January 20, 2025, President Trump issued an executive order directing that “[t]he area formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico” be renamed as the “Gulf of America.” Exec. Order No. 14172, 90 Fed. Reg. 8629 (Jan. 20, 2025). Because the statutory schemes pertinent to this appeal explicitly refer to this geographic area as the “Gulf of Mexico,” we continue to use that name.
So disrespectful - should be "Gulf of America...formally known as"...when referring to the body, instead of the law. And re the law, should be "(now the Gulf of America)" after every Gulf of Mexico reference if they needed to quote the statute.
What is the point of unlimited Presidential authority if nobody respects it?
I am looking to my next Tampa Bay Trump Boat Flag Day Parade when instead of two Trump Flags in deach outrigger, I am going to put one Trump Flag and one "Gulf of America" flag in each one.
Trying to discern / hoping this is facetious?? If not, whoa.
To the original poster--why not make your opinions public? If what you're saying is correct, I'm sure everyone--especially our fearless President--would love to see your support. Don't be shy; you're clearly unafraid to express your opinions on the outrigger you claim to own! Make your opinions plain instead of hiding behind a keyboard.
Okay, here you go: David Crockett. Bring it.
Has anyone heard anything about the gunman in the parking lot across from the Ferguson building? I understand that the building is under lockdown due to a man with a rifle.
Perfect! I'm so close to a dystopia BINGO!
I just heard that it was a false alarm. Some security guard parking for work (worked at another building) carelessly brandished his weapon triggered a lockdown.
It is funny - I can't tell who the Republican or who the Democrat is in the back and forth above.
Gulf of Mexico a/k/a gulf of America. Or how about gulf of America nee Mexico or even better “the gulf formerly known as Mexico” ? A little prince reference from the 1990s. But why not open it up for bids like football stadiums? The gulf of Duetsche bank like northern California; the gulf of united health care: the gulf of chevron oil; or and this is probably the front runner - the gulf of X (formerly known as twitter).
I thought the GOP didn’t like announcing propnouns.
s/Gulf of Mexico/America/Texas
Clearly it should be the Gulf of Florida
I’m going to have to insist that we use the name the Gulf (of Mexico) was given at birth.
Dear Sirs:
I traced your deed back to 1803. Here it is complete. As you probably know, Louisiana was purchased from France in 1803. France had acquired Louisiana from the Spanish as the result of a successful war against the Spaniards. The Spanish acquired Louisiana as the result of the explorations of an Italian named Columbus. Columbus was financially backed by Isabella and Ferdinand. Isabella and Ferdinand were given permission for Columbus’ expedition by the Pope. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. Christ is the Son of God. God made Louisiana.'
This is exceptional. I am dying. I may be dead.
The Gulf of Puerto Rico, all the way.
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