It's the buzz of the criminal defense and DOJ world.
Quick background -- Mayor Eric Adams is indicted in SDNY while Biden is president.
Trump's DOJ orders SDNY to dismiss case.
SDNY, DOJ, and Adams' lawyers meet.
SDNY refuses to dismiss.
Acting U.S. Attorney resigns and writes an 8 page letter.
Emil Bove for DOJ responds in his own 8 page letter.
You can read both letters (worth it!) at this link.
Case gets reassigned to the public integrity unit so they can dismiss the case.
The top prosecutors at public integrity resign.
Lots of local line prosecutors have been emailing and texting about this today. Post your thoughts in the comments, and feel free to do so anonymously.
Objectively, both letters were beautifully wordsmithed and compelling. But something's up when a Republican-FedSoc-former-Scalia-clerk-US-Attorney resigns in protest, supported by the career prosecutors working the case (who are now being "investigated"). They do NOT want this in the headlines, folks; all is NOT going according to plan. This is a direct assault to their "flood the zone," scattershot strategy and I, for one, plan to highlight it in every way I can.
Talk about a dream moment for the Blog. The publication that has done more than any other to degrade public perception of the institution in this town (sometimes for good and fair and honorable reasons, but every time to create atmospheric conditions that just so happen to benefit those who practice high stakes white collar criminal defense) getting a YUGE assist, from the inside no less!
Perhaps when "your welcome" and company pass a constitutional amendment to facilitate the Trump vs. Obama matchup we've all been dying to see on AMERICA: THE FINAL SEASON, and the one who should prevails, he will nominate the founder of this Blog as acting deputy attorney general to finish the job.
Jokes aside, why not just pardon Adams? Team Sassoon all the way.
Why not pardon Adams? Much more effective to have this hanging over his head. The stated justification was to dismiss without prejudice so he can focus on the president's priorities. The second that focus wanes, why not re-indict? If you pardon him, you have given up your quo for his quid and your quo is no longer retrievable...
Adams was not pardoned because if he was pardoned Trump would not have leverage over him. The entire deal was to hold the charges over his head so that he does what Trump wants on immigration.
Doesn’t that assume there is nothing else that could be “weaponized” against Adams? Paragon of virtue he seems to be.
AUSA Hagan Scotten submitted his resignation letter. Worth googling it.
The Sovereign District of New York doesn’t disappoint.
Regarding the quid pro quo (“I support your political goals in exchange for your dismissal of charges”) leveraged with a heavy dose of extortion hanging over the head of Eric Adams (“If you don’t hold up your obligation to assist the President’s objectives on immigration matters affecting interstate commerce, all bets are off”): Sounds like a clear violation of the federal Hobbs Act to me!
Highly ethical career prosecutors are shocked - SHOCKED! - to find out that DOJ would coerce a criminal Defendant into aiding law enforcement!
(Your Rule 35 Motion, sir)
So as I understand it, Adams was not asked to give up information related to crimes about which he may have knowledge, he was asked to exercise his elected office to further a policy goal of the administration and enticed with a personal benefit (dropping of charges) to do it. Stinks to high heaven.
The typical resolution in public-corruption cases includes a requirement that the official leave office. I guess that quid-pro-quo is fine with upstanding prosecutors because it thwarts the will of the voters entirely, not just a bit.
According to NY newspapers tonight , NO DOJ or AUSA's signed the Motion to Dismiss this afternoon in the SDNY, it was signed by Bove!
What a disgrace ! Lots of respect to those that resigned , wish them well!
It’s worse than that Bove put all the public integrity prosecutors in a room and said if one of them didn’t sign it they are all fired and gave them an hour. One did sign as well as Bove.
Most voters don’t intentionally vote for crooks. So taking crooks out of office is not really thwarting the will of the voters.
Allegedly, as the sacrificial lamb because all the others (younger) were going to resign as well.
The worst part of it all is the blatant nature by which the Trump Administration openly admitted that the dismissal has nothing to do with the merits of the case. Second worst might be the irony of dissolving a public corruption prosecution with more public corruption. This is a new low for our country; I deeply admire the prosecutors who resigned rather than rolled over.
Can’t wait for the showdown with the judge. I think Bove should be summoned to argue the motion personally.🍿🥤
So Trump is following Jimmy Carter's playbook? David W. Marston (1942-2023) was a removed from his position as United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter. See, The Harvard Crimson, ". . . And Nothing but the Truth"?
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the next installment of the false equivalency show which would be oh so entertaining if it weren’t a bunch of BS while Trump tries to burn everything down.
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Someone actually bought the line that dismissal of Adams case was for him to be free to help with immigration!!!! That’s the bs press conf line.
The real reason is for Musk to have access to NYC budget/contracts/bids/zoning/boards/ etc.
NYC has $$$ budget larger than most states and hundreds of billions in extras. Thats why they want Adams. He’s not needed for immigration. Can’t believe anyone so naive to fall for that line. It’s all about hundreds of grifter billions for Musk, Trump, Kushners et al
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