Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chat with the Chair

By John R. Byrne

Judge Karen K. Caldwell, a district judge from Kentucky, is the Chair of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. That's the panel that decides whether to consolidate civil cases from different districts and, if they are consolidated, to which judge to ship those cases. Our district judges are currently presiding over some large MDLs. But, for many, the JPML's decision making process is mysterious. In the current issue of The Federal Lawyer, our own Judge Ruiz interviewed Caldwell about it. Worth a read, especially if you practice in the MDL space.

The JPML has been around since 1968. Seven district judges currently sit on the panel. Interestingly enough, we've never had a judge from the SDFLA serve as a panel judge and only one Florida district judge, Judge Hodges from the Middle District, has ever served. We need to get to work on that!

Summer2024 Caldwell by John Byrne on Scribd


Rumpole said...

Yawn don’t jump the shark I know it’s the August doldrums but multi district litigation? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

I’d rather more MDL stuff.

Anonymous said...

The JPML has confidence in our District. Eight judges are handling MDLs, two of which have two (Moore, Ruiz).

Kenneth A. Marra (Sr. District Judge) MDL -1916 IN RE: Chiquita Brands International, Inc., Alien Tort Statute and Shareholders Derivative Litigation

Federico A. Moreno (Sr. District Judge) MDL -2599 IN RE: Takata Airbag Products Liability Litigation

K. Michael Moore (U.S. District Judge) MDL -2832 IN RE: Liquid Toppings Dispensing System ('447) Patent Litigation

Darrin P. Gayles (U.S. District Judge) MDL -2841 IN RE: MONAT Hair Care Products Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation

Robin L. Rosenberg (U.S. District Judge) MDL -2924 IN RE: Zantac (Ranitidine) Products Liability Litigation

Cecilia M. Altonaga (Chief Judge, USDC) MDL -2989 IN RE: January 2021 Short Squeeze Trading Litigation

Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II (U.S. District Judge) MDL -2994 IN RE: Mednax Services, Inc., Customer Data Security Breach Litigation

Raag Singhal (U.S. District Judge) MDL -3015 IN RE: Johnson & Johnson Sunscreen Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation

K. Michael Moore (U.S. District Judge) MDL -3076 IN RE: FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange Collapse Litigation

Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II (U.S. District Judge) MDL -3090 IN RE: Fortra File Transfer Software Data Security Breach Litigation

Anonymous said...

Rosenberg or Ruiz for the JPML. Please.

Rumpole said...

Because you have trouble falling asleep?