So I finally got around to the HBO movie Recount on my TiVo. I really enjoyed it. It threw me back to those days in 2000 when I was attached to the TV watching the twists and turns of the bitter election fight between Bush and Gore. I actually had dreams (nightmares) last night after watching the film...
There were lots of SDFLA references of course, since we were ground zero.
A guy named Phillip Nolen played Ben Kuehne, but he didn't wear the bowtie! Bruce Altman played Mitchell Berger. Laura Dern was an excellent Katherine Harris. The other main players were also very well cast. I may be mistaken but I thought I saw Kendall Coffee sitting as an extra in the Supreme Court scene at the end...
Anyway, if you want to relive some of those moments, it's well worth it.

Great film Davey-boy! 'Though I'm still having nightmares.
What a historical time in Florida it was back then.
Phil should have worn the tie.
I just read the princess' post. Like she really was celebrating her sister's birthday. We all know the princess was in Miami with SFL drinking wine and listening to Bolero.
Wow, you guys are hanging around here too?
I watched Recount, but where was JPK?
Scalia says
Get over it.
ma va fungulo
Yes SFL as we too are love sick for the princess.
The princess and the litigator, not a suitable match.
The princess and the criminal defense attorney, much more suitable.
Kudo's on RECOUNT
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