Monday, February 13, 2006

Aleman releases jailed lawyer Adam Katz...

...according to the Miami Herald.

New federal courthouse

I'm in Savannah, but found a computer and ran across this DBR article about the new federal courthouse. Here's an excerpt:

The heavily fortified and architecturally unique Wilkie D. Ferguson Federal Courthouse in Miami is scheduled to open this fall, more than a year behind schedule. Completion of the $163 million courthouse — in the works for 15 years — was slowed by change orders, contractor delays and hurricanes, according to U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore, who has overseen the project. But the biggest reason for the setback, Moore said, is that dozens of louvers controlling air intake and exhaust had to be removed and replaced due to water infiltration from Hurricane Wilma. The issue of who bears financial responsibility for the mistake — architects Arquitectonica and HOK or contractors Dick Corp. of Pittsburgh and EllisDon Construction of Canada — is in dispute. “We have to concentrate on fixing it now and then figure out who was responsible,” Moore said.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Lawyer jailed in state court

I really don't cover the state court system and this blog is dedicated to this federal district, but I couldn't help but notice this article about Broward State Judge Cheryl Aleman jailing a lawyer for 60 days for not appearing for court. For those state practioners who think the federal judges are rough, I've never heard of such a thing. Anyone have any good contempt stories from our district?

Judge Ungaro and red tape don't mix

"Bureaucracy doesn't exist to serve itself. It exists to serve the people.'' Well said by Judge Ungaro as she "lashed out" at a government lawyer representing the Justice and Homeland Security departments and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Anyone who has ever had to deal with the red tape of the immigration system knows how frustrating it can be.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Judge Moreno continues to lead the "funniest judge in the district" poll, but there have been whispers that the poll is not valid because it did not include Magistrate Judge Klein. Sorry about the oversight!