Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Update on SDFLA courts

Update from the Court on Irma closures:

The Courts of the Southern District of Florida remain closed for normal operating business, anticipated to open to the public no sooner than Monday, Sept. 18th. The closure is due to school closures and travel conditions, as well as power outages at various courthouses impacting services including the Court’s computer network
Although the Court will generally remain closed to the public, depending on circumstances of power at each courthouse, Court employees are generally directed to return to work as of Thursday, Sept. 14th, if practical, as described below. This will enable the Court to prepare for the return to normal operations next week. Specifically, all Court staff in West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale should report to work Thursday, Sept. 14th, if possible. All Miami supervisors and managers should report if possible on Thursday, as well as Miami IT staff, other critical Miami staff as directed by their supervisors and those who work in the Atkins and King Courthouses. In Key West and Fort Pierce, where the courthouses mostly do not have power or have other issues needing to be resolved, staff do not need to report at this time. Probation staff should contact their supervisors for reporting instructions, which may be different than for other Court personnel. 
If employees are unable to return to work due to their evacuation or other personal circumstances, the Court will be flexible in granting administrative leave for Thursday and Friday. The Court’s top priority is the safety and well being of our personnel, and no employee is expected to return to work if it would put their safety in jeopardy. However, all employees must pay close attention to the Court’s website and be on the look out for calls/emails from the Court providing further updates. If employees are unable to return to work Sept. 14th, they nonetheless should contact their supervisors and stay in close contact for further developments.
Magistrate duty Court for only new arrests and other urgent matters will commence in Miami on Thursday, Sept. 14th, at 1:30 p.m. or such other time as directed. Staff necessary to cover duty court will be contacted and directed to report. Magistrate duty Court at other divisions will be scheduled on an as-needed basis.

The Courts of the Southern District of Florida remain closed for normal operating business, anticipated to open to the public no sooner than Monday, Sept. 18th. The closure is due to school closures and travel conditions, as well as power outages at various courthouses impacting services including the Court’s computer network
Although the Court will generally remain closed to the public, depending on circumstances of power at each courthouse, Court employees are generally directed to return to work as of Thursday, Sept. 14th, if practical, as described below. This will enable the Court to prepare for the return to normal operations next week. Specifically, all Court staff in West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale should report to work Thursday, Sept. 14th, if possible. All Miami supervisors and managers should report if possible on Thursday, as well as Miami IT staff, other critical Miami staff as directed by their supervisors and those who work in the Atkins and King Courthouses. In Key West and Fort Pierce, where the courthouses mostly do not have power or have other issues needing to be resolved, staff do not need to report at this time. Probation staff should contact their supervisors for reporting instructions, which may be different than for other Court personnel. 
If employees are unable to return to work due to their evacuation or other personal circumstances, the Court will be flexible in granting administrative leave for Thursday and Friday. The Court’s top priority is the safety and well being of our personnel, and no employee is expected to return to work if it would put their safety in jeopardy. However, all employees must pay close attention to the Court’s website and be on the look out for calls/emails from the Court providing further updates. If employees are unable to return to work Sept. 14th, they nonetheless should contact their supervisors and stay in close contact for further developments.
Magistrate duty Court for only new arrests and other urgent matters will commence in Miami on Thursday, Sept. 14th, at 1:30 p.m. or such other time as directed. Staff necessary to cover duty court will be contacted and directed to report. Magistrate duty Court at other divisions will be scheduled on an as-needed basis.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Downtown Miami update

Downtown Miami Update:

It looks like downtown Miami is mostly back up and running.  The Flagler Starbucks is open.  Many restaurants are also now open.  It is unclear when magistrate court will reopen.

If you are still home and looking for more reading, check out this Judge Rosenbaum opinion about the Dark Web from last week, snuck in right before Irma:
The Dark Web. For many, the name conjures images of a suspect shadow internet world where virtually anything can be bought for the right price.* Indeed, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (“ATF”) Special Agent Tully Kessler described the Dark Web as “another side of the Internet . . . access[ible] through your Internet provider . . . [but only using] special software.” He opined that it “allow[s] the sale and trade of all kinds of things that you would never find on a regular website open to the public.” And the Dark Web—on, in one case, a site called Black Market Reloaded—is where Defendant-Appellant Michael Albert Focia chose to sell firearms domestically and internationally.
A jury convicted Focia of dealing in firearms without a federal firearms license, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(1)(A), and selling firearms to unlicensed residents of states other than his own without having a license to do so, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(5). He now challenges the sufficiency of the evidence to convict him, the jury instructions, the constitutionality of the criminal statutes of which he was convicted, and his sentence. After careful consideration, and with the benefit of oral argument, we affirm Focia’s conviction and sentence.
*In fact, the Dark Web also has a different side. Because of its layered encryption system, it plays an important role in providing safe fora for, among others, whistleblowers and journalists.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Back at it

Here's hoping everyone came out of the storm okay.  I have no power and limited cell service at home, but the office is operational with power and internet.  Although it's a ghost town, it looks like many of the buildings in downtown Miami have power.  Some are still blocked off though, so you should check first before trekking down here.  If you are coming from the south, US1 is moving along but at many spots, there are no lights and there are trees blocking the road (sometimes making US1 into one lane). 

If you are looking for something to read, check out this opinion by Judge Marcus, which came out just before the storm.  The government finds critical evidence -- a video of the crime -- and discloses it on the morning of trial.  The defense moves for a continuance.  The government does not object.  The district judge decides to go forward with the case.  Conviction affirmed because the court says that the defense cannot show prejudice.  To me, this is simply wrong:
 After closely reviewing the entire record, we cannot say that the trial court abused its discretion in denying Jeri’s motion for a new trial. Although we think it would have been wiser to allow Jeri time to view the video before starting the trial, the tape was not exculpatory and Jeri has not come close to establishing specific and substantial prejudice from this omission. We can discern no other errors in this record, and, therefore, affirm the judgment of the district court.
What effect will "wiser" have on district courts?

Friday, September 08, 2017

Good luck during the storm

Good luck to all during the storm.  I will try to keep up the blog if possible with updates.  Downtown Miami is a ghost town right now.

One 11th Circuit update -- Trump has nominated  Elizabeth Branch to the 11th Circuit for Judge Hull's seat.  She is currently a Georgia state appellate judge.  She is an Emory law grad and clerked for Judge Owen Forrester (N.D. Ga.).

Tuesday, September 05, 2017


The SDFla courthouses will be closed Thursday and Friday. The award banquets on Thursday night and Saturday night have also been cancelled. Stay safe!

Monday, September 04, 2017

All rise!

As you get ready for Irma... here is your moment of Zen: Judge Sotomayor in her Yankees' robe sitting in "Judge's Chambers":

Friday, September 01, 2017

Legal Awards Season

It's Legal Awards Season in Miami.
The Federal Bar Association has its big gala next Thursday, September 7 at the Four Seasons.  The big award is called "The Ned" after Edward B. Davis.  I have a soft spot for this award because it is named after the judge that I clerked for.  Judge Davis was simply the best.  Besides being an absolute awesome judge, he was a great man.  I am proud that the FBA is awarding this year's Ned to Donald L. Graham.  Judge Davis always loved Judge Graham and would be happy about this.

The Dade County Bar Association is also having its big party on September 9 at the JW Marriott.  The Presidential Award winners are: Sec. of Labor Alex Acosta, Judge Robert Luck, and Judge Lisa Walsh.  The David Dyer Professionalism Award is going to Judge Kathleen Williams, and the Johnnie Ridgely Award is for Judge Beth Bloom.

An all-star cast!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"We hold that neither robbery, armed robbery, nor use of a firearm in the commission of a felony under Florida law is categorically a 'violent felony.'"

"We hold that neither robbery, armed robbery, nor use of a firearm in the commission of a felony under Florida law is categorically a 'violent felony.'"  That was the 9th Circuit, acknowledging a split with the 6-5 en banc 11th Circuit case that the blog discussed last week.  HT: How Appealing.

I'm starting to think it would be more fun to practice out in California.

What do you all think about a judicial law clerk tweeting about a decision that his judge wrote while he was clerking.  Here's a string from Andrew Case about the Apraio trial and his thoughts on the pardon.

Monday, August 28, 2017

VW exec gets higher sentence than prosecutors request

Although prosecutors asked for 3 years, a federal judge sentenced VW exec James Liang to 40 months. If the executive branch is asking for a particular sentence, that should be the ceiling for judges... but that's not the law unfortunately.

From Law360:
A Michigan federal judge on Friday sentenced a Volkswagen AG engineer who pled guilty to charges stemming from the diesel emissions scandal to 40 months in prison, slightly longer than the three-year prison term sought by prosecutors.

After months of delays, U.S. District Judge Sean Cox sentenced James Liang to three years and four months in prison. Liang, accused of helping facilitate the installation of so-called defeat devices to skirt U.S. emissions testing in about half a million vehicles, pled guilty in September to a count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, commit wire fraud and violate the Clean Air Act.

Liang was also fined $200,000, due immediately, more than the $20,000 fine requested by prosecutors. He also agreed to be deported to Germany after finishing his prison sentence. Liang is a German citizen.

At the hearing on Friday morning, Judge Cox said that Liang was a member of a long-term conspiracy and that the scandal was “a stunning fraud on American consumers,” a courthouse observer told Law360.

Liang’s attorney, Daniel V. Nixon of Byrne & Nixon LLP, said at the hearing that Liang was the first person to accept responsibility for what happened and that he had cooperated with prosecutors and agreed to testify against another VW executive, Oliver Schmidt, if Schmidt’s case had gone to trial, according to the observer.

Friday, August 25, 2017

En banc 11th Circuit rules 6-5 that Florida felony battery is a violent felony under the Sentencing Guidelines

The en banc 11th Circuit ruled 6-5 that Florida felony battery is a violent felony under the Sentencing Guidelines.  The majority opinion was written by Judge Julie Carnes, which is significant because many were wondering whether she would end up siding with the older, conservative faction of the Court (E. Carnes, Tjoflat, Hull, Marcus, W. Pryor) on this issue, or the newer, moderate members (Martin, Jordan, Rosenbaum, J. Pryor).  The dissent was written by Judge Wilson and joined by those four Obama appointees. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

11th Circuit wades into social media and warrants

How does the warrant process work with social media accounts?  The 11th Circuit took a dive into this interesting issue in United States v. Blake.  Orin Kerr takes a closer look at the case here:
In Blake, two defendants, Dontavious Blake and Tara Jo Moore, were allegedly running a prostitution ring. The government obtained search warrants for Microsoft email accounts Blake and Moore used, as well as for the contents of Moore’s Facebook account. The email warrants required Microsoft to go through the accounts and find emails responsive to the warrant and turn only those over. The Facebook warrants required Facebook to hand over the full contents of the account and to then let the agents search it for the evidence of crime.

In an opinion by Judge Ed Carnes, the 11th Circuit concluded that the Microsoft warrants satisfied the Fourth Amendment but suggested that the Facebook warrants may not. Here’s the court rejecting Moore’s email warrant challenge:
The Microsoft warrant [for Moore’s e-mail account] complied with the particularity requirement. It limited the emails to be turned over to the government, ensuring that only those that had the potential to contain incriminating evidence would be disclosed. Those limitations prevented “a general, exploratory rummaging” through Moore’s email correspondence. The Microsoft warrant was okay.
In a footnote, the court added:
It is somewhat troubling that the Microsoft warrant did not limit the emails sought to emails sent or received within the time period of Moore’s suspected participation in the conspiracy. Nevertheless, the warrant was appropriately limited in scope because it sought only discrete categories of emails that were connected to the alleged crimes. As a result, the lack of a time limitation did not render the warrant unconstitutional.
The court then suggested that the two-stage Facebook warrants may have violated the Fourth Amendment, although the court did not rule on the issue because the good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule applied.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Total Eclipse ... of the Heart

I love that Bonnie Tyler is performing Total Eclipse of the Heart today.

But the eclipse isn't enough for Judge Merryday out of the Middle District to allow a continuance so that a government agent could go see it:

Friday, August 18, 2017

Congratulations to Judge Robert Scola for being named to the Defender Services Committee.

Congratulations to Judge Robert Scola for being named to the Defender Services Committee.

Defender Services Committee
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. appointed the following new members to the Defender Services Committee.  Their terms begin October 1, 2017.

New Members:
Hon. Micaela Alvarez (5th Circuit representative - TX-S)
Hon. Judith Ellen Levy (6th Circuit representative - MI-E)
Hon. Robert N. Scola, Jr. (11th Circuit representative - FL-S)
Hon. Ketanji Brown Jackson (DC Circuit representative - DC)
There is another Miami connection to the committee -- Judge Brown Jackson is a Miami native and went to Palmetto High.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

11th Circuit vs. then-Judge Gorsuch

The 11th Circuit, per Judge Dubina, issued an opinion today disagreeing with then-Judge Gorsuch in United States v. Games-Perez. 667 F.3d 1136, 1142 (10th Cir. 2012) (Gorsuch, J., concurring in judgment). The Gorsuch opinion was defendant friendly on the issue of mens rea. Unsurprisingly, the 11th Circuit opinion is not:
As Rehaif points out, the strongest argument in favor of requiring proof of mens rea with respect to the status element is laid out in then-Judge, now Justice Gorsuch’s concurrence in United States v. Games-Perez. 667 F.3d 1136, 1142 (10th Cir. 2012) (Gorsuch, J., concurring in judgment). Acknowledging that prior precedent dictated that the mens rea requirement does not apply to the status element, then-Judge Gorsuch concluded that the plain language of the statute compelled the opposite conclusion. Id. (“[Prior precedent] reads the word “knowingly” as leapfrogging over the very first § 922(g) element and touching down only at the second. This interpretation defies linguistic sense—and not a little grammatical gravity.”). In drawing such a conclusion, then-Judge Gorsuch noted that, “Congress gave us three elements in a particular order. And it makes no sense to read the word “knowingly” as so modest that it might blush in the face of the very first element only to regain its composure and reappear at the second.” Id. at 1144. He also pointed out that “[t]he Supreme Court has long held that courts should presum[e] a mens rea requirement attaches to each of the statutory elements that criminalize otherwise innocent conduct.” Id. at 1145 (quotations omitted) (alteration in original).
While then-Judge Gorsuch opined that § 922(g) “is a perfectly clear law as it is written, plain in its terms, straightforward in its application,” id., there is evidence to suggest otherwise. The fact that § 924(a)(2) only punishes defendants who “knowingly violate” § 922(g) begs the question “what does it mean to knowingly violate the statute?” Does the statute proscribe merely conduct, or both conduct and the surrounding circumstances that make the conduct a federal crime? See United States v. Langley, 62 F.3d 602, 613 (4th Cir. 1995) (en banc) (Phillips, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part) cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1083, 116 S. Ct. 797 (1996). While the defendant’s status might be inextricably tied to the violation, the actual violation occurs when the defendant knowingly possesses a firearm.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Interesting amicus briefs on cell site case (Carpenter) before SCOTUS

The Supreme Court will hear the cell site case (Carpenter) sometime this winter.  Amicus briefs in support of Carpenter were filed yesterday.  Here is one by EFF and NACDL,* among others.  The Cato Institute brief is also worth a read.

Perhaps the most interesting brief is this one filed by "tech companies."  Although they don't take a position on this specific case, which argues that the third party doctrine is no longer workable in this modern era
The Internet and Internet-connected devices have revolutionized nearly every facet of our lives. Ameri-cans rely daily on services made possible by networked technologies—from email, smartphones, and web-based social media the Court has already encountered to new and evolving products and applications in the “Internet of Things,” such as smart-home devices that can be used to control room temperature and lighting, order groceries, and perform a multitude of other tasks. These devices and services not only confer immense value on users and society, but in many instances are considered practical necessities of modern life.

Using these technologies often involves transmit-ting highly personal information through the networks and applications of digital service providers. That in-cludes transmission of metadata—
i.e., data about da-ta—generated by automated processes that are part of the background operation of digital devices and applica-tions. Such transmissions are inherent features of how the Internet and networked devices work. Short of forgoing all use of digital technologies, they are una-voidable. And this transmission of data will only grow as digital technologies continue to develop and become more integrated into our lives. Because the data that is transmitted can reveal a wealth of detail about people’s personal lives, however, users of digital technologies reasonably expect to retain significant privacy in that data, notwithstanding that technology companies may use or share the data in various ways to provide and improve their services for their customers. Fourth Amendment doctrine must adapt to this new reality. Although amici do not take a position on the outcome of this case, they believe the Court should refine the application of certain Fourth Amendment doctrines to ensure that the law realistically engages with Internet-based technologies and with people’s ex-pectations of privacy in their digital data. Doing so would reflect this Court’s consistent recognition that Fourth Amendment protections, governed as they are by reasonable expectations of privacy, must respond to changes in technology that implicate privacy. Indeed, in declining to extend the search-incident-to-arrest ex-ception to searches of cell phones in Riley v. California, 134 S. Ct. 2473 (2014), this Court has already signaled that digital information deserves special consideration, largely because Internet-connected devices such as smartphones “are not just another technological con-venience,” but are necessary to participate in the mod-ern world, and “hold for many Americans ‘the privacies of life.’” 2494-2495.

In the digital context, inflexible doctrines that cat-egorically foreclose any protection for data automatical-ly generated by ordinary digital activity—or that will be generated by the yet-to-be-conceived technologies of tomorrow—are not sustainable. In particular, the analog-era notion that transmission of data to a third party is necessarily “voluntary” conduct that precludes Fourth Amendment protection should not apply in a world where devices and applications constantly transmit data to third parties by dint of their mere op-eration. No constitutional doctrine should presume that consumers assume the risk of warrantless government surveillance simply by using technologies that are beneficial and increasingly integrated into modern life. Similarly, the fact that certain digitally transmitted information might have been traditionally classified as “non-content” should not unconditionally bar Fourth Amendment protection, as this data can of-ten be highly revealing of the intimate details of a us-er’s life. Rather than adhere to rigid Fourth Amendment “on/off” switches developed in the analog context, courts should take a more flexible approach that realis-tically reflects the privacy people expect in today’s dig-ital environment. Consistent with the general reasona-ble-expectation-of-privacy inquiry, courts should focus on the sensitivity of the data at issue and the circumstances of its transmission to third parties. That approach would better reflect the realities of today’s digital technologies and accommodate the technologies of the future.

*Full disclosure -- I am counsel for NACDL in this brief.

Monday, August 14, 2017

SDFLA seeks two Magistrate Judges

The Southern District of Florida is seeking two Magistrate Judges -- one for West Palm Beach and one for Miami.  Here's the court announcement:

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida anticipates appointing two full-time Magistrate Judges in the coming months, one for the Miami Division and one for the West Palm Beach Division.  A full public notice for the Miami position is posted on the Courts Internet website at:  Application forms are also available on the website. The application deadline for the Miami position is September 11, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.  Final approval to fill the West Palm Beach position is pending at this time.  Once approval is received, a full public notice will be posted on the website and the application deadline for that position will be set.  Those interested in the West Palm Beach position should continue to check the Court's website for updates.    
In addition, the Court is seeking comment on the reappointment of Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow in Fort Lauderdale and Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman in Miami.  Information regarding the reappointment process and how to submit comments may found on the Court's website:  The deadline for submitting comments is September 11, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Interested persons should consult the Court's website for further details.  The Clerk of Court may also be contacted for additional information or forms at (305) 523-5001 or

Friday, August 11, 2017

11th Circuit, per Judge Jordan, quotes Carly Rae Jepsen

The 11th Circuit, in an opinion by Judge Jordan, quoted Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe":
According to the district court, no reasonable jury could find that Ms.Schweitzer partially revoked her consent to receive automated calls on October 13 because she did not specify what “the morning” and “during the work day” meant. A jury could certainly find that Ms. Schweitzer—like the protagonist of a recent hit song—was too equivocal, cf. Carly Rae Jepsen, Call Me Maybe, on Curiosity (Universal Music Canada 2012), but we do not think that the lack of specificity is fatal to her claim of partial revocation.
Judge Rosenbaum's recent GoT's reference might be a little hipper, but I love that Judge Jordan listens to Call Me Maybe!

hat tip:  E.S.

Jeff Sessions is pushing for "Hang 'Um High" Henry Hudson to be on Sentencing Commission

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pushing for "Hang 'Um High" Henry Hudson to be on the Sentencing Commission. I kid you not. Professor Berman has more at his blog here. And this, from the WSJ article:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is urging the White House to nominate a federal judge and tough-on-crime ex-prosecutor once nicknamed “Hang ’Um High” Henry Hudson to an independent, bipartisan panel that issues sentencing guidelines. Mr. Sessions’ recommendation for one of three openings on the U.S. Sentencing Commission, confirmed by people familiar with the process, reflects the Justice Department’s broader crackdown on violent crime, including the reversal of several Obama -era policies.

The department is urging the commission to toughen sentences for certain violent criminals, drug offenders, illegal immigrant smugglers and so-called career offenders. In its annual report to the commission, the department asked it to preserve the long, mandatory-minimum sentences that supporters say help fight crime but critics say inflate prison costs and disproportionately hurt minority communities without improving public safety.

President Donald Trump, who campaigned on a promise to “restore law and order,” has the authority but is under no requirement to fill two Republican vacancies and one Democratic spot on the seven-seat commission.

Judge Hudson, who has acknowledged his colorful nickname, was a candidate for FBI director earlier this year. He is best known for sending pro-football quarterback Michael Vick to prison in 2007 for running a dogfighting ring and for finding unconstitutional a key provision of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

“I’m excited about the opportunity to serve on the commission,” Judge Hudson, who serves in the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., said in a telephone interview Thursday. “I’d like to make sure the guidelines are fair and consider every possible factor in a case.”

Mr. Hudson would be the first new commission member tapped by Mr. Trump, who has reappointed two members previously nominated by former President Barack Obama. A White House official declined to discuss Mr. Hudson’s prospects, but said the administration is committed to filling all federal vacancies....

Mr. Hudson would be expected to shake up the low-profile but powerful panel, which has produced research on the prison population, recidivism and sentencing that advocates have cited in pressing for an overhaul of the criminal justice system.

In its most consequential decision in recent years, the commission in 2014 rolled back penalties for most federal drug offenses, allowing more than 30,000 inmates to seek reduced sentences and helping to trim the federal prison population for the first time in decades. That trend is expected to reverse under Mr. Sessions, a former U.S. attorney and senator from Alabama. After a string of major overhauls of Obama administration policies that sought to curb potential abuses by police and prosecutors Mr. Sessions is now seeking to make his mark on the sentencing commission.

“That is the place where the biggest sentencing reforms have been made in Washington, in that nothing the White House or Congress has done comes close,” said Kevin Ring, president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, which favors lighter sentencing. “This little agency is a big deal and Sessions wants to exercise his influence, which is shaping up into a fight.”

Among Mr. Sessions’ recommendations is a proposal that the Sentencing Commission reduce the quantity of fentanyl, an opioid, that triggers a sentence of 10 to 16 months for possession with intent to sell. Stiffer penalties weren’t one of a slate of recent proposals made by the president’s task force on opioids, which included expanding treatment through the Medicaid program....

Mr. Hudson declined to comment on his own sentencing of some defendants to decadeslong mandatory-minimum sentences. “I’m anxious to hear the debate and hear everyone’s viewpoint,” he said. “I won’t come to the sentencing commission with any preconceived notions.”

In a 2007 memoir titled “Quest for Justice,” Mr. Hudson recalled that police in Arlington, Va., wore campaign buttons that said “I voted for “Hang ’Em High Henry” during his re-election campaign as a state prosecutor in the early 1980s. “I didn’t reject that nickname, nor did I solicit it,” he said Thursday. “My record as a judge speaks for itself.”

As a state prosecutor in liberal-leaning northern Virginia, Mr. Hudson shut down adult bookstores and massage parlors. That led to his chairmanship of former President Ronald Reagan’s national commission on pornography, which linked porn to violence. He was director of the U.S. Marshals Service during the 1992 deadly siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

He also stirred controversy for prosecuting a mentally disabled man for the murder of a woman in 1984. David Vasquez served five years in prison before DNA and other evidence exonerated him. “I certainly wish him the best and regret what happened,” Mr. Hudson wrote in his memoir, saying he remained convinced of his involvement in the murder. “However, I offer no apologies.”

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

“In defending this nation against the threat of terrorism it is neither necessary nor proper for our government to abandon the bedrock principles upon which this nation was founded. All that is sacred in our national life is secured by the promise that this is a nation of laws and not of men,” the defense wrote. “Through its illegal conduct, the government has forfeited its right to prosecute Mr. Hubbard … [and he] respectfully requests that this court dismiss the indictment against him for the government’s outrageous conduct.”

That was AFPDs Vanessa Chen and Anthony Natale in their motion to dismiss terrorism charges for outrageous government conduct. Paula McMahon is on it here:

Though many of the details have been shielded from public view at the request of prosecutors, several sources told the Sun Sentinel that the informant in question is Mohammed Agbareia, 51, of Palm Beach County. Agbareia is a convicted fraudster who was arrested in June on new federal fraud charges.
Agbareia was convicted of operating a “stranded traveler” fraud in 2006 for repeatedly tricking people into sending him money after claiming he lost his wallet or tickets. He pleaded guilty, got a break on his punishment and was released early from federal prison in late 2006 after serving about half of a two-year term.

Prosecutors told a judge earlier this year that they believe Agbareia went back to committing fraud very soon after he was released from prison — and while he was providing undercover help to the FBI on the Hubbard case.

Agbareia, a Palestinian citizen from Israel who has no legal immigration status in the U.S., admitted to FBI agents on several occasions that he was still committing crimes and continued doing so “despite numerous warnings to cease,” prosecutors said in court in June.

The FBI called him a “national security asset” and praised his “usefulness as a provider of intelligence to the FBI” and work as an “informer” in court records filed in 2009.

The most recent criminal charges against Agbareia allege that he resumed his “stranded traveler” fraud in 2007 and continued it until the day before he was arrested on June 21, prosecutors told a judge after his arrest.

Agbareia is jailed and has pleaded not guilty to six wire fraud charges spanning the period from 2007 to 2017. Investigators said he preyed on and defrauded Muslim people, mosques and Islamic groups on at least 200 occasions — involving about $300,000 since 2011. The fraud charges carry a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison.

Monday, August 07, 2017

Does this news about the SDNY's potential U.S. Attorney say anything about SDFLA?

Does this news about the SDNY's potential U.S. Attorney say anything about SDFLA?

According to Buzzfeed, Rudy Giuliani's law partner is being considered for U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York:

The White House is considering Geoffrey Berman, a New Jersey attorney and one of Rudolph Giuliani’s law partners, to lead the US attorney’s office in Manhattan — one of the most high-profile federal law enforcement jobs in the country.
Berman’s name was included as part of a package of proposed candidates for New York judicial and US attorney vacancies sent by the White House in mid-July to New York’s Democratic senators, according to a source familiar with the process. The list offers an early glimpse at the Trump administration’s strategy for filling vacancies in states with two Democratic senators.
Berman, who did not immediately return a request for comment, was the only name that the White House proposed for US attorney in the Southern District of New York. In contrast, the administration sent multiple names for other positions, including for federal judgeships and US attorney for the Eastern District of New York. A second source familiar with the process said that the list was intended to spur a dialogue with New York’s senators — Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand — about a compromise package of nominees.
The White House historically defers to home state senators to recommend US attorney candidates, but there can be more tension when there’s a difference in party. Senators can hold up judicial and US attorney nominees they don’t approve of via a system known as the “blue slip process,” although it’s rarely used for US attorneys. The majority of US attorney nominees announced by the Trump administration so far are from states with two Republican senators.
Negotiating a package of New York nominees would spare the White House a fight with Schumer, who as minority leader has repeatedly sparred with President Trump and was critical of his decision to fire former FBI director James Comey.
Berman, who co-leads the New Jersey office of the law firm Greenberg Traurig, would bring Justice Department experience to the job, having served as an assistant US attorney in the Southern District of New York from 1990 to 1994, according to his law firm bio online. In May, multiple news outlets reported that he was under consideration for the New Jersey US attorney position. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported at the time that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who previously served as US attorney, was backing a different lawyer, Craig Carpenito, for the position; no nominee has been announced yet.

If Rudy is promoting his law partner Berman, perhaps he will also be pushing his good friend Jon Sale (one of the finalists) for this District. Sale would be an excellent choice. He's smart, well-liked, and has worked on both sides of the v.

Friday, August 04, 2017

Judge William Pryor on Justice Thomas

Judge William Pryor, a Supreme Court shortlister, recently wrote an essay In the Yale Law Journal on Justice Clarence Thomas and originalism. Here's the conclusion paragraph:

By leading, joining, and occasionally challenging Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, over the last quarter of a century, has accomplished what no original- ist by himself could: through principled adjudication, proving that the legiti- macy of originalism can be an objective methodology for adjudication. His con- tributions have increased respect for originalism exponentially and made its vocabulary a staple of constitutional adjudication. And for those contributions, all originalists owe him a debt of gratitude.


Also, a reminder for those who knew Richard Strafer, his service will be this Sunday, August 6, 10am at Mt. Nebo Kendall, 5900 SW 77th Avenue, Miami, FL 33143

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Kevin Newsom confirmed to 11th Circuit

Congrats to my law school classmate Kevin Newsom on being confirmed to the 11th Circuit. The vote was 66-31, which is pretty incredible in this environment. He's very smart and well-qualified.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

19 Justices?

19 Justices?  That's what Judge Posner is calling for:

"Mediocre and highly politicized," was the opinion the 78-year-old jurist gave of the justices who sit in D.C. during a recent talk at the University of Chicago.

"We have a very crappy judicial system."

Posner — the most highly cited legal scholar of the 20th century, according to the Journal of Legal Studies — repeated his complaint that politicians are more concerned with appointing "tokens" such as women or Hispanic justices, and with would-be justices' politics than they are with merit.

"If you had 19 members you would inevitably have more diversity," he told Prof. Luigi Zingales during the talk. Posner, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan, said no president since Herbert Hoover has appointed a Supreme Court justice who "was not in either his personal or his political interest."

"The modern presidents don't think that way, but if the Supreme Court was much larger, they might say, 'Well, OK ... we have 19 justices, 12 of them are highly politicized, but we have these extra 7 seats, so we'll appoint them on the basis of quality,' and that would make a big difference."

Meantime, President Trump may be losing at a bunch of things, but he is winning on judges:
The White House has announced more than two dozen lower court nominees to date, and the Senate Judiciary Committee has been holding hearings and sending nominees to the full Senate for a vote at a regular clip.

Just Monday, after the news broke that White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was ousted on the 11th day of his tenure, the Senate took a key procedural vote on a federal appeals court nominee out of Alabama, Kevin Newsom. On July 20 — as the White House dealt with fallout from an interview published the night before in which President Trump criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions — the Senate confirmed Kentucky lawyer John Bush to the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, notwithstanding a coordinated, well-funded opposition campaign by groups on the left.

“It’s just been a win on all fronts,” said Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network, which supports conservative court nominees.

The administration’s success with judges is about more than the fact that Republicans control the Senate. Lower courts remain mostly of regional interest, despite the fact that federal judges have lifetime tenure and issue rulings that can affect the entire country. Senators defer to their colleagues’ preferred local picks. There is little incentive to interfere, even if, as was true with John Bush, Republicans have concerns about a nominee’s record.

There’s also the fact that Republicans historically have been more organized on judges than Democrats, said David Fontana, a professor at George Washington University Law School who follows judicial nominations. There are numerous interest groups and political factions around issues like health care, he said, but there is a tight-knit community of conservative lawyers who foster and promote court nominees during Republican administrations.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Criminal Complaint against Imran Awan

Read the criminal complaint against Imran Awan here.  This is Debbie Wasserman Schultz's former aide, who  is charged with bank fraud.  The complaint is pretty vanilla -- he is accused of saying a rental property as a primary residence to get a loan.  Many are speculating that this case is just a place-holder for a bigger (and more sexy) case to follow. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Magistrate Judge Selection Panel

There is a new Magistrate Judge Selection Panel, to make a recommendation as to reappointment of Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman and the upcoming vacancy due to the retirement of Magistrate Judge William Turnoff.  Here is the committee:

Chair: Thomas E. Scott, Jr., Esq.
Members: Jerry Blair (non-attorney)
Raoul Cantero, III, Esq.
Laura Maria González-Marqués, Esq.
Markenzy Lapointe, Esq.
Tiffani Lee, Esq.
Abigail Price-Williams, Esq.
Nikki Lewis Simon, Esq.
H. T. Smith, Esq.
Rodolfo Sorondo, Esq.
Ryan Stumphauzer, Esq.
Dr. Jose Szapocznik (non-attorney)

Two wonderful magistrates.  Judge Turnoff will be missed... more on that to follow.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Mary Barzee Flores is running for Congress

Mary Barzee Flores is running for Congress. Ileana's seat. Mary is a former federal defender and was nominated by Obama to be a federal district judge. But Marco Rubio blocked her by not signing the blue slip. So she is fighting back. From her email this morning:

After a few years serving clients in private practice, I again answered the call to public service when President Obama nominated me to serve as a Federal District Court Judge for the Southern District of Florida. Although I enjoyed strong support from Democrats and Republicans, Senator Marco Rubio blocked my nomination. He complained about my support of progressive organizations like the ACLU and EMILY’s List.
Marco Rubio disagrees with my political views. I disagree with his.
So I can understand why Marco Rubio would not want me on the federal bench. He won’t want me in Congress either.
Petty partisan politics prevented me -- like Judge Merrick Garland and so many other Obama federal court nominees -- from fulfilling President Obama's call to public service. But I’m persistent and I don’t give up easily. I remain committed to serving this community and this country.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

News & Notes

1. Richard Strafer's memorial service will be held on August 6 at 10am at Kendall Mt. Nebo, 5900 SW 77th Avenue. Miami, FL 33143.

2. We filed an emergency petition in the Supreme Court for former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli. Jay Weaver covers it here:
Attorneys for former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli, who is being detained in Miami on an extradition request to his homeland, filed an emergency petition with the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that asserts his constitutional rights have been violated because his bid for bond was denied.

Martinelli’s legal team argued that federal courts nationwide have “misconstrued” a 114-year-old Supreme Court decision “as having erected a heavy presumption against bail in such [extradition] cases.”

“The belief that [this decision] imposed an unlawful presumption has prevailed [in extradition cases] for so long that it is now binding across the country,” Miami attorneys David O. Markus and Ricardo Bascuas wrote in Martinelli’s emergency petition for a writ of habeas corpus. “Only this court can resolve the confusion at this point.”

Markus and Bascuas, who were added to Martinelli’s legal team led by attorney Marcos Jimenez, said the U.S. Supreme Court was the former president’s only recourse because bond denials cannot be appealed in extradition cases in the federal district or appeals courts.

3. David Lat is blogging about Katherine Magbanua's case. Magbanua is represented by Chris DeCoste and Tara Kawass. Full disclosure, we represent Charlie Adelson.

4.  SCOTUS protestors get a taste of jail.  Via WP:
Five protesters who disrupted a session of the U.S. Supreme Court by shouting disapproval of its rulings on campaign finance law were sentenced to one or two weekends in prison Monday after losing a bid to overturn a 1949 law restricting public protest at the court.

U.S. prosecutors had asked U.S. District Judge Christopher R. “Casey” Cooper in Washington to order 10-day jail sentences for the defendants, members of an organization called 99Rise. They had stood and spoken one-by-one just after the court was gaveled into session April 1, 2015, about a year after the justices had struck down overall limits on campaign contributions.

Friday, July 21, 2017

RIP Richard Strafer

RIP Richard Strafer.

What a tragedy. Richard was a friend. A really great guy. Brilliant lawyer. He could spot a great issue and crank out a 50-page perfect brief faster than anyone I knew. Here's the DBR obit:

Miami criminal appellate lawyer G. Richard Strafer died Friday after contracting a mystery infection on a European cruise and letting his colleagues know before going into a coma in Britain. He was 66.

Strafer was known for his compelling appellate writing, including a 2012 petition that persuaded the U.S. Supreme Court to hear arguments in the Kaley v. United States on the constitutionality of pretrial asset freezes. The court later found them legal.

Strafer had his own firm for many years and last summer became of counsel at Black, Srebnick, Kornspan & Stumpf.

"He is one of the finest legal writers in this country," Black Srebnick senior partner Roy Black said while Strafer was hospitalized. "He has a brilliant and incisive mind and understands and resolves thorny legal problems better than anyone I know."

Strafer fell ill last month after contracting an infection on a Viking Cruises trip during a vacation with his husband, Jon Rick. Strafer was quarantined in his cabin, given antibiotics by the ship's doctor and taken to a hospital after the cruise ended.

At the hospital outside London, Strafer suffered cardiac arrest. That night, colleagues said his medical records show the hospital staff removed him from oxygen for nearly 10 minutes, and he lapsed into a vegetative state shortly afterward around June 22.

About a week later, he was flown to Baptist Hospital in Miami, where he was visited by his husband, 26-year-old daughter Jordan, friends, colleagues and his two dogs. Strafer trained the dogs as therapy pets so they could cheer up hospital patients, particularly children. In his final days, the dogs were allowed to climb onto his hospital bed and snuggle in his arms.

Under conditions of his living will, Strafer was removed from life support Monday. The source of the infection has not been determined.

And here is the Herald obit:
Richard Strafer, a brilliant, behind-the-scenes appellate lawyer at the marquee criminal-defense firm in Miami, has been a fanatical runner and bicyclist for years. He competed in two World Championship Duathlons, finishing eighth in his age group in Spain in 2011 and 22nd in Hungary in 2007.

So when he set off on a leisurely European cruise in early June, his colleagues and friends thought it was a tad ironic.

Days after departing from Stockholm, Sweden, on a cruise to Norway, the 66-year-old Strafer caught a chest cold. It soon flared up to a 104-degree fever and pneumonia.

By mid-June, when the ship sailed into Greenwich, England, Strafer had already been under medical supervision for the latter half of the cruise. After being transferred to an English hospital, doctors gave him antibiotics for a worsening lung infection that they could not diagnose, but the medication proved ineffective. As his lungs deteriorated, Strafer went into cardiac arrest that cut off oxygen to his brain. Within a week, he slipped into a coma.

Strafer, considered to possess one of the sharpest legal minds in South Florida, never awoke from it. After being flown in a private air ambulance to Miami in early July, he was taken to Baptist Hospital, where a stream of family and friends visited his bedside. Baptist doctors concluded his coma was irreversible.


“Everyone is heartbroken,” said attorney Scott Kornspan, managing partner of Black, Srebnick, Kornspan & Stumpf, where Strafer worked for more than 15 years. “How does this happen on a cruise line to a perfectly healthy man? We're all in shock and dumbfounded about what happened.”

Kornspan said he communicated with Strafer on June 17 just after he was transferred from the Viking Cruises ship to the English hospital. Strafer expressed alarm over his prognosis after doctors immediately told him in the hospital’s ICU that if he had arrived three hours later he would have died. They also told him that because of the seriousness of his condition, he should contact next of kin and a spiritual adviser.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

#SeersuckerDay at the USSC meeting

#SeersuckerDay at the USSC meeting in DC. That's Judge Bill Pryor and Judge Charles Breyer.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Judge Rosenbaum starts her opinion with a GoT quote

Judge Rosenbaum starts her opinion with a Game of Thrones quote.  And it's Tyrion Lannister, Hand of Daenerys Targaryen.  Looks like she was watching the premier with the rest of us on Sunday night.  Here's the intro:
“A wise man once said a true history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms.”1 Whether or not that may be accurate, a true history of the United States would be incomplete without a history of great political conversations, wherever they might have occurred. And great political conversations could not exist in the absence of the First Amendment. So the First Amendment generally prohibits government retaliation against a person for exercising his rights to free speech and association, including supporting the political party and candidates of his choice.
1. Tyrion Lannister, speaking of himself. “Oathbreaker,” Game of Thrones (2016), as quoted by (last visited June 20, 2017).

Judge Jordan concurs.  Instead of recent pop culture, he cites Shakespeare:

If a jury were to find that Chief Gomez did not have the City Manager’s blessing, then maybe everything that took place after the delivery of the letter to Mr. Rodriguez was just “sound and fury, [s]ignifying nothing.” William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of McBeth, Act V, scene 5 (1606).

SDFLA Summer

1. The SDFLA is pretty quiet right now.  There's a 4-5 trial nearing its end in front of Judge Gayles for the interns who want to see some good lawyering.  

2. Former SDFLA AUSA Michael Brown has been nominated to the district bench in the NDFLA.  Brown is a good guy, who currently works at Alston & Bird:
It's been a good month for Alston & Bird partner Michael L. Brown.
President Donald Trump nominated Brown July 13 to fill a long-vacant post on the federal court bench in the Northern District of Georgia. Brown's nomination came only 23 days after he and his New York law partner secured the acquittal of a bond trader in a federal trial in Connecticut closely watched by Wall Street.
Brown—a former federal prosecutor and co-leader of Alston's government and internal investigations practice—teamed up with Alston New York partner Brett Jaffe in a successful defense of Tyler Peters, a former vice president at international broker-dealer Nomura Securities International Co.
The jury convicted only one of Peters' co-defendants in the securities fraud conspiracy and gave Brown's client a clean sweep after the Alston team presented Peters as a junior trader who was simply doing what he had been trained by his supervisor to do and who did not know that the misstatements the traders made when making securities sales were illegal.
The court record included scrappy—and lengthy—letters Brown wrote to the judge on the defense team's behalf flatly accusing federal prosecutors of misconduct. The at times pugnacious letters were indicative of Brown's style. He is not afraid of a legal brawl.
"Mike is a great lawyer," said Atlanta attorney Page Pate, who has known Brown since the two were first-year law students at the University of Georgia. "If he is representing the government, he's going to be a hard-ass for the government. If he's representing a client, he's going to fight like hell for his client. He is one of a select group of people who can literally go either way."

3. This is a pretty funny tweet for you GoT fans:

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Judge Milton Hirsch's Constitutional Calendar

If you haven't subscribed to Judge Milton Hirsch's Constitutional Calendar, you should. To subscribe, send an email to is

[UPDATE -- I had the unsubscribe email up earlier. Sorry about that, but it is fixed now.]

Here is today's entry:

On July 18, 1949, Jackie Robinson, the first African-American to play major league baseball in the modern era, appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Robinson was not suspected of being a communist or “fellow traveler.” But communists at home and abroad were in the habit of making much of the hypocrisy of an America that preached democracy and equality, but practiced Jim Crow. HUAC wanted assurances that the American black community was not tempted by communist blandishments.

Robinson began his testimony with a brief statement. (This was a good sign. Many witnesses were denied the privilege of making any statement before answering questions.) It included the following:

"I have had a great many messages come to me, by wire, phone and letter, urging me not to show up at this hearing. And I ought to make it plain that not all of this urging came from Communist sympathizers. Of course most of it did. But some came from people for whom I have a lot of respect and who are just as opposed to Communist methods as I am.

"And so it isn’t pleasant for me to find myself in the middle of a public argument that has nothing to do with the standing of the Brooklyn Dodgers in the pennant race – or even the pay raise I am going to ask Mr. Branch Rickey for next year!

"So you’ll naturally ask, why did I stick my neck out by agreeing to be present and why did I stand by my agreement in spite of the advice to the contrary."

Robinson went on to assure the committee members that the African-American community would not be seduced by the communist sales-pitch. Apparently the committee was satisfied. Robinson never heard from them again.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

New JNC members announced

Here's the list of new JNC members for the Southern District of Florida (h/t Celia Ampel):

The Southern District JNC members are:

• Chair Manny Kadre, chairman and CEO, MBB Auto LLC, Coral Gables

• Georgina Angones, assistant dean of law development and alumni relations, University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables

• Ellyn Bogdanoff, shareholder, Becker & Poliakoff, Fort Lauderdale

• Reginald Clyne, partner, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, Miami

• Kendall Coffey, partner, Coffey Burlington, Miami

• Vivian de las Cuevas-Diaz, partner, Holland & Knight, Miami

• Renier Diaz de la Portilla, solo practitioner and mediator, Renier Diaz de la Portilla P.A., Miami

• Albert Dotson Jr., partner, Bilzin Sumberg, Miami

• Peter Feaman, president, Peter M. Feaman P.A., Boynton Beach

• Robert Fernandez, partner, Zumpano Castro, Coral Gables

• Daniel Foodman, partner, WNF Law, Miami

• Philip Freidin, partner, Freidin Brown, Miami

• Carey Goodman, mediator, Cudjoe Key

• Anat Hakim, general counsel, WellCare, Tampa

• Jillian Hasner, president and CEO, Take Stock in Children, Miami

• Marilyn Holifield, partner, Holland & Knight, Miami

• Eduardo Lacasa, chief operations officer, Chrysalis Health, Fort Lauderdale

• Ira Leesfield, partner, Leesfield Scolaro, Miami

• Dexter Lehtinen, partner, LSRCF Law, Miami

• David Leibowitz, general counsel, Braman Management Association, Miami

• Richard Lydecker, founding partner, Lydecker Diaz, Miami

• Debbie Maken, author and attorney licensed in Mississippi, West Palm Beach

• Tom Mersch, partner, Kelley Kronenberg, Fort Lauderdale

• Carlos Nunez, partner, WNF Law, Miami

• Thomas Panza, senior partner, Panza, Maurer & Maynard, Fort Lauderdale

• Edward Pozzuoli, president, Tripp Scott, Fort Lauderdale

• David Prather, partner, Clark, Fountain, La Vista, Prather, Keen & Littky-Rubin, West Palm Beach

• Dennis Richard, partner, Richard & Richard, Miami

• Robert Rigal, CEO, Echelon Medical Capital, Boca Raton

• Jon Sale, of counsel, Broad and Cassel, Miami

• Christian Searcy, president and CEO, Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, West Palm Beach

• Harley Tropin, president, Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton, Coral Gables

• Joanne Urquiola, Joanne R. Urquiola P.A., Miami

• Steve Waserstein, partner, WNF Law, Miami

• Stephen Zack, partner, Boies Schiller Flexner, Miami

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Judge Frank Hull to take senior status

Zoe Tillman reports that Judge Frank Hull is taking senior status:

This is big news as she is probably the most conservative judge on the Court as it relates to criminal justice issues, even though she is a Clinton appointee.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Plea bargaining and tattoos

Plea bargaining and tattoos.

Chief Judge Ed Carnes starts an opinion about plea bargaining this way, comparing the process to tattoos:

In negotiating a plea bargain both sides aim for the best terms they can get, placing bets on what the future will hold. The problem is that the future and certainty are strangers and not everyone wins a wager. Sometimes a deal, like a tattoo, does not age well and what appeared to be attractive in the past seems unattractive in the future. But plea agreements, like most tattoos, are written in permanent ink and cannot be redrawn just because one party suffers from the plea bargain form of buyer’s remorse. This case is here because two defendants convinced the district court, over the government’s objections, to take up the judicial pen and redraw their freely entered plea agreements whose ink had been dry for nearly a decade.