Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Judge Cannon gets Trump assassination case

 Here's the indictment.

It charges 18 U.S.C. 351(c) (attempted assassination of a presidential candidate) and other offenses.


Anonymous said...

On the one hand, Trump and MAGA world can't complain that the system is rigged against him. Also, this is her chance to show that she is a true rule of law judge by not being obviously biased.

On the other hand, this makes it look like Trump has his own division. I know the mechanics of judicial assignment don't work that way. But the system should be tweaked to account for this (perceived?) problem.

Anonymous said...

Will be interesting to see how recusal comes up. Have to imagine the defendant will move for it -- and that the government may not oppose, or even join. But I still expect she will refuse to recuse even on a joint motion. Otherwise, if Judge C agrees to recuse on this one.. how does that portend for the documents case?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the State should handle it like Desantis is grandstanding about, that's nuts. Depo rules alone make that a non-starter. But it does seem real messy to have the same judge and same prosecutors office (albeit special counsel under umbrella of AG) handling 2 cases with Trump, one where he's the victim and one where he's the defendant.

Anonymous said...

Title 18, Section 351, (f) Desantis and his AG didn’t read it, statute suspends any state or local authority jurisdiction until the FEDERAL action is terminated!

Anonymous said...

Over/under on trial being set before November 1?

Anonymous said...

Under. She may even break the record set in the Zangara case for quickest imposition of death penalty.