Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Clerk of Court Angela Noble breaks up with Brightline

 Her breakup letter to the Palm Beach Post starts this way:

Dear Brightline,

How did we get here? When I moved to Florida, I swore off public transportation forever. For years, I enjoyed a short commute, and life was good. Then you came along. You appealed to my sensibilities, manipulated my emotions, and lured me away with false promises of a “carefree, car free ride.” You were starting a new business and I was considering a new opportunity of my own. You exploited my proclivity for public service and pushed me toward a professional opportunity far from home. Of course, the choice was mine, but you bear some responsibility. I relied on your support.


Anonymous said...

Well written.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing zinger of an op-ed. I tip my hat to you, Ms. Noble.

Anonymous said...

She has some fierce writing skills.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Boom!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Ms. Noble. She said out loud what we've all been thinking.

Anonymous said...

She's had enough practice...