Thursday, May 16, 2024

Breaking- we have two new Magistrate Judges

 The judges of the Southern District of Florida met today and voted for our two newest magistrate judges. Congrats to Ellen D'Angelo and Enjolique Lett!! 


Anonymous said...

Let me guess, either one or both are prosecutors.

Anonymous said...

Ellen is, and she is as good a prosecutor and lawyer as you’ll ever find. Believe it or not, prosecutors can be decent people too. She is, and will be a fantastic judge who will show empathy to litigants and hold every lawyer to her high standard.

Congrats to both new judges!

Anonymous said...

Just because prosecutors can be great people and lawyers doesn’t mean most judges (or a disproportionate number) should be former prosecutors. Professional diversity matters.

Anonymous said...

Both great lawyers and humans. This is good for the district.

Anonymous said...

If you believe there is only one side to the Israel debate from Jews, please read this:

Rumpole said...

I happen to believe for complicated reasons ex prosecutors make the best judges. That being said we need some fed PDS and lawyers like Bill Matthewman who was a superb criminal defense attorney as magistrates not to mention district judges.
Deeply disappointed Christian didn’t get it. He would have been a home run.

Anonymous said...

We get it 8:56 PDs are not good lawyers or decent people. You do hold the majority view it seems.

Anonymous said...

I could give you a (unfortunately) long list of federal judges (mag, district, and circuit) who never stopped being prosecutors (or law enforcement) even after they became federal judges.

Anonymous said...

Rumpole, interested in seeing your (complicated) reasons. Please share.

Anonymous said...

Please do not enable that blow hard.

Anonymous said...

Would have liked to see Dunham, who is an excellent lawyer, get it, but he is doing more meaningful work as an AFPD and defense lawyer. The best defense lawyers did not get into it to become judges or to obtain judges' approval.


A defense lawyer who does not give a fuck about becoming a judge

Anonymous said...

If Trump testifies, what is your first question on cross?

Anonymous said...

Since Dunham is not a former clerk, not from Big Law, and not an AUSA, he had no shot! Plus lawyers from those groups know how to take orders and kiss ass, which is the main criteria.

Anonymous said...

When is infrastructure week?

Anonymous said...

Many good federal judges (even in SDFL) do not have federal clerkship, big firm or USAO in their resume.

Anonymous said...

Are you outraged that Dunham didn't become a mag judge?

Then the prosecution should rest.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is math. There are a significant number of judges who will NEVER vote for a qualified AFPD. And EVERY judge will vote for a qualified AUSA.

Anonymous said...

There are currently two formar AFPDs who are very good magistrate judges. Maybe you should double check your math.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, they could be a AFPD who tried one federal case!

Anonymous said...

There has never been an AFPD appointed in the Miami Division - by far the largest division and the one that handles the most criminal cases. That’s the math.

Anonymous said...

If only Kash Patel had applied. He could've won over the MAGA bros on the court.

Anonymous said...

who are the district judges who would never vote for a pd

Anonymous said...
