Thursday, January 17, 2019

Shutdown at FDC-Miami

While TSA workers are calling in sick, the Bureau of Prison guards are cancelling visits, including attorney visits. They are saying that there “may be” a “recent inmate” who was “possibly” diagnosed with tuberculosis.

You can't really blame them for making up the TB scare.  The shutdown is absurd. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Stokeling is decided 5-4 for the Government

The Supreme Court affirmed the 11th Circuit in an odd 5-4 lineup in which Chief Justice Roberts (along withe Kagan and Ginsburg) joined Justice Sotomayor in dissent.  Justice Thomas held for the majority: The Armed Career Criminal Act’s elements clause encompasses a robbery offense that, like Florida’s law, requires the criminal to overcome the victim’s resistance.

It used to be mildly surprising when Justice Breyer voted against criminal defendants, but that is the norm now.  He is among the worst justices on criminal justice issues.  In this case, one friend put it this way:  Breyer literally snatched victory from Stokeling's hands, violently.

This case is a pretty good example of how Scalia's death really affected the Court on criminal justice issues.  Scalia wrote the Johnson decision on which Stokeling's argument was based.  He likely would have sided with the defense here, where his replacement sided with the government.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Congrats to Robert Luck (updated with pictures)

This morning Gov. DeSantis will appoint Robert Luck to the Florida Supreme Court.  Luck currently serves on the 3rd DCA and was an AUSA in this District before that.  He will serve with another former AUSA and former 3rd DCA judge, Barbara Lagoa.

Luck is 39 and after graduating from UF law school, clerked for Ed Carnes on the 11th Circuit.

Congrats to Robert Luck!

UPDATE — here are some pictures from the swearing in, where newly appointed Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara Lagoa swore in Robert Luck:

Friday, January 11, 2019

Congrats to Robert Watson

Former AUSA and Kobre Kim partner Robert Watson will be joining the county bench on Monday. His appointment was one of Gov. Scott's last actions on Monday. Robert is a friend of the blog and we wish him well.  

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Barbara Lagoa named to Florida Supreme Court

Really cool news ... former SDFLA AUSA, current 3rd DCA judge, and local Miamian Barbara Lagoa has been named to the Florida Supreme Court.  She’s a really good person and I know her family (including her husband Paul Huck, Jr., her three girls, and her father-in-law Paul Huck, Sr.) is very proud.