Friday, April 25, 2008

Joe Cool defendant wants to keep supposed statement out

Looks like the Joe Cool case is starting to heat up again...

At a status today, Judge Huck set a hearing on Guillermo Zarabozo's motion to exclude his supposed statement to a jailhouse snitch for next Wed. Here is the intro to Jay Weaver's article:

A Hialeah man charged with another man in the slayings last year of four Miami Beach charter boat crew members is trying to have his alleged ''confession'' to a jailhouse snitch tossed out before trial this summer.
Guillermo Zarabozo has asked a federal judge to suppress testimony by the government's jail ''informant,'' who claims Zarabozo confessed in custody that his co-defendant fatally shot the victims aboard the Joe Cool at sea last fall.
Zarabozo allegedly told the informant in the Federal Detention Center that Kirby Archer, a fugitive from Arkansas, used Zarabozo's gun to shoot the four after Archer argued with the boat captain about taking the vessel to Cuba.
A hearing on Zarabozo's new motion, filed by attorney William Matthewman, is set for Wednesday before U.S. District Judge Paul Huck.
The lawyer claims Zarabozo's right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment would be violated if the informant -- Antwan Hall, a felon serving 30 months for possession of a firearm -- is allowed to testify for the prosecution at trial on June 23.
''All that matters is whether the government informant deliberately used his position to secure incriminating information from . . . [Zarabozo] when counsel was not present,'' according to the motion.
Matthewman said Hall's cellmate, Daniel Noel, also convicted on firearm charges and serving 24 months, might be used as a witness to corroborate Hall's testimony.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How not to do an oral argument

Phipps: . . . so that’s about all I have to say, Your Honor. I don’t have anything other than that. You know, my client lives in Chicago. ... She continues to earn a living, and she’s generally unavailable if you call her because she, she’s sort of a traveling doctor.

Judge: That’s not much of thing you come in here and tell us, I guess.

Phipps: Well, my attitude is, the [district court] judge got it right . . . . And as far as whether even Ricks should apply, I don’t think it should.

Judge: What do you do about Morgan?

Phipps: I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know Morgan, Your Honor.

Judge: You don’t know Morgan?

Phipps: Nope.

Judge: You haven’t read it?

Phipps: I try not to read that many cases, your Honor. Ricks is the only one I read. Oh, Ledbetter, I read Ledbetter, and I read that one that they brought up last night. I don’t know if that’s not Ledbetter, I can’t remember the name of it. Ricks is the one that I go by; it’s my North star. Either it applies or it doesn’t apply. I don’t think it applies.

Judge: I must say, Morgan is a case that is directly relevant to this case. And for you representing the Plaintiff to get up here—it’s a Supreme Court case—and say you haven’t read it. Where did they teach you that?

Phipps: They didn’t teach me much, Your Honor.

Judge: At Tulane, is it?

Phipps: Loyola.

Judge: Okay. Well, I must say, that may be an all time first.

Phipps: That’s why I wore a suit today, Your Honor.

Judge: Alright. We’ve got your attitude, anyway.

The Fifth Circuit wasn't too happy. It had this to say in a per curium opinion.

[W]e would be remiss if we did not comment on the conduct of Roger Phipps, counsel for Hartz, during oral argument in this case on Tuesday, March 4, 2008. Phipps’ conduct towards the Court during argument was unprofessional. Even more serious was his admission that during his work on the case (including his preparation for argument), he had not read a key Supreme Court case. His cavalier disregard for his client’s interest and for his obligation to the Court was both troubling and disgraceful. [FN4]
Accordingly, we are ordering Phipps to provide his client, Hartz, a copy of our opinion immediately after it is released. In order to ensure compliance, we are further directing him to supply our Court with proof of service.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Liberty City to be tried a third time

Trial to be set for the Fall.

Here are the minutes from today's hearing:

Government announced they will proceed with a third trial. Deft. Herrera’s motion for bond is granted; $50k ps co-signed by father; deft Abraham’s moton for bond is denied; Prebish’s m/withdraw granted, the Court to appoint counel w/in 2/3 days, further status set for 4/30/08 @8:30am. Trial expected to start sometime in the fall.

UPDATE -- from Vanessa Blum's article:

"We've worked very hard this past week reviewing everything in this case and considering it very, very seriously," said prosecutor Richard Gregorie. "The United States has decided it's necessary to proceed, your honor, one more time."U.S. District Judge Joan Lenard set a hearing for next week to decide on a new trial date. She said she would likely schedule the trial for late 2008.Acknowledging that two juries have been unable to resolve the case, Gregorie said the U.S. Attorney's Office would agree to the release of four defendants on bond.
Prosecutors oppose bond for the group's purported ringleader Narseal Batiste, 34, and Patrick Abraham, 28, who is an illegal U.S. resident.

Mold findings....

Some more coverage of the Dyer mold problem here and here and here.

From the AP:

Miami's historic downtown federal courthouse suffers from extensive contamination of dangerous types of mold and should have some sections closed for cleaning, according to a new environmental study released Tuesday.

But the analysis by a private firm - hired by the attorney for the family of a judge who died in 2006 of a lung ailment - stops short of recommending that the 75-year-old building be shuttered completely.

The now-sealed courtroom formerly used by the U.S. Magistrate Judge Theodore Klein before his death contained "very heavy growth" of hazardous mold and there are concerns that spores have spread throughout the building through air conditioning systems, said attorney Alan Goldfarb.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Trial stats

The commenters were correct that I posted the wrong link concerning the number of trials in this District. Thanks to a helpful reader, here is the correct link for the total trials in this District and the rest of the country. The conclusion in the prior post -- that we try more cases in this District than any other -- is still correct.