Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Welcome Judge Enjoliqué Lett!

Guest Post by Stephanie A. Casey

Yesterday, Enjoliqué Aytch Lett was sworn in as the District’s newest United States Magistrate Judge.  Several district and magistrate judges attended, along with some of her family and friends.  Chief Judge Altonaga, Judge Williams, and Judge Graham each said a few words about how proud Judge Cooke would have been to see her former clerk take the oath. It was a really nice event. Judge Lett’s chambers will be on the 10th floor of the Atkins Courthouse.


Anonymous said...

Love the pick. Love that the Trump Bros are keeping AFPDS off the bench even more.

Rumpole said...

Feel good story of the week. Need more of these.

Anonymous said...

Great addition to the bench. Congrats to Judge Lett.