Tuesday, September 10, 2024

For the Defense: Former A.G. Alberto Gonzales


Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

We haven't had a prosecutor on the podcast before.  But there's been a lot in the news about prosecutorial independence.  Should a governor, for example, have the power to remove an elected state attorney?  What if the state attorney says he or she is not going to enforce a particular law?  Alberto Gonzales, the former United States Attorney General, joins the podcast to discuss these interesting issues and others. Gonzales is the current dean of Belmont Law School and is also a former judge, so he has an interesting perspective.  Gonzales is friendly, engaging, and pretty transparent about his time as AG.  I think you'll enjoy the episode.

As always, you can catch this and other episodes on the web or on every podcast platform, including Apple and Spotify

And in light of the presidential debate tonight, check out this clip of the former Attorney General discussing the rhetoric in politics and whether he is ready to make an endorsement in the election.  Here's one more of him discussing the role of White House counsel, using the Aschroft/Comey incident as an example.
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Thank you! --David


Hosted by David Oscar Markus and produced by rakontur

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