Sunday, June 16, 2024

You be the judge

How much time should Donald Trump receive for his conviction in New York for falsifying business records?

What about Hunter Biden in Delaware for being an addict in possession of a firearm?

Both should get probation.

After all, both are first time, non-violent offenders.   And there were no victims in either case. 

But I suspect both will get some jail time.

I'm setting the over under at 6 months in each case. 

What would you do if you were the judge and what do you predict they will actually receive?


Anonymous said...

Hunter should get guidelines. I heard somewhere the number 20 months being thrown around. That is fine.

Don’t know whether New York has guidelines or not and what they take into account, but if it was a federal case, Trump would be looking at time on them. 3 years seems about right to me given his obstruction and behavior. Absent that, probation may not be wrong. Trump is not a first time offender either, and the conduct he was convicted of - lying to try and commit election fraud in a presidential election is quite serious.

You and the media are doing a disservice by harping on no jail/first time offender bs. The guy was as obstructionist and as abusive as any criminal defendant I have ever seen. If he was anybody else, he would have been siting in jail pretrial, and he should have been. He has already gotten huge breaks and special treatment. That should end. And, he should be remanded at sentencing. Let scotus bail him out on some sort of presidential candidate immunity bullshit ruling.

Anonymous said...

If you're talking about business as usual, 5:19 gets it right.

If you're talking about the way things should be (for everyone and not just these two high profile convicts), DOM is right.

Just depends on what your point of view is, I guess.

Anonymous said...

9:14 is right - but shouldn't it be business as usual for these two? Why do they deserve to be the vanguard cases for reform of the justice system? You want to start cutting people breaks (or treating them fairly depending on your point of view), how about starting with minority clients of the FPD, not two rich privileged guys.

Also, the contrast in how each defendant, and those around them, are dealing with the convictions could not be more stark....Hunter actually has some contrition and hasn't tried to burn the system down.

Anonymous said...

President Trump should get 4 years of community service, to be served at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (commencing January 20, 2025).

Anonymous said...

Good one.

How funny would it be if the judge did impose community service and specified that it could be fulfilled in that manner. Gold.

Of course, we would all be fucked as a country, but it would be funny and we could all smile a little as our civil rights are degraded (except gun rights).

Anonymous said...

Send the orange turd to Rikers.

Anonymous said...

Send 1:07 to guantanamo.

Anonymous said...

Trump needs jail for general deterrence. There are millions of people who admire his practice of doing whatever they want and openly scoffing at the legal system's ability to give consequences. They are all watching to see if anything will happen to him.
As to specific deterrence, his 3 other cases and mouthing off throughout the trial is a certain sign he is not capable of rehabilitation and intends to commit more crimes of opportunity. He has pretty much admitted this. But he should be allowed to have his obvious psychological disorders presented in mitigation. He constantly displays signs of being a sociopath and narcissist.

Anonymous said...

There’s no such thing as a trial tax. Which is why the state asked for the maximum of 15 years after a guilty verdict for manslaughter for a first offender for Pablo Lyle. I saw the sentencing. Asa Shawn Abahoff did it with a straight face.

Anonymous said...

Of course rich white collar defendants rarely ever go to jail... which is part of why they do what they do... judges hate to send folks that look like them (or gave them money) to jail!

Kissimmee Kid said...

What's wrong with ten days? Long enough to sting, short enough not to cripple.