I walked to Starbuck’s a little while ago and came across this gentleman holding this sign out front. His name is Chaunce O’Connor. I introduced myself and thought maybe he had been a client of Ervin’s. I asked him how he knew Ervin. Chaunce said that he sits in his wheelchair out in front of Starbuck’s often and that Ervin is the only person in a suit that had ever stopped to take the time to talk with him. He said that he would often see Ervin going to get coffee and that Ervin would always remember his name and stop to ask how he was doing. He said he was sad today so he went to the drugstore to make this sign. Chaunce asked me to pass along his condolences to everyone at the firm. He offered his help if we ever need it because, he said, Ervin would have helped him if he ever needed it.
[Sorry, the picture isn't uploading from the road. I will try again later. The sign says, "We love Ervin. #1 Attorney." --DOM]
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