There's the Congressional JNC. And now there's the Rubio JNC. Scott is not participating. So it's unclear how Biden will go about selecting judges and U.S. Attorneys. Here is the list from Rubio, which includes some prominent Democrats (like Dan Gelber and Seth Miles):
Southern District JAC:
Carlos Lopez-Cantera – Statewide Chair
Manny Kadre – District Chair
Georgina A. Angones
Nelson Diaz
Renier Diaz de la Portilla
Albert E. Dotson, Jr.
Robert H. Fernandez
Dan Gelber
Jillian Hasner
Jorge Hernandez-Toraño
Yolanda Cash Jackson
Seth Miles
Bernie Navarro
Ed Pozzuoli
Steve L. Waserstein
As a GOP lawyer, I love to see the Democrats get played time and time again.
As an American lawyer, partisan politics disgust me.
All politics are partisan.
@2:41 - spoken like a true cynic. The shining city on the hill be damned.
You say I'm a cynic, I say I'm a realist. The parties simply are playing different games. The GOP accumulates power and the DEM act like this is a hobby.
There it is, the "realist." Sir, I'd rather be naive than to accept your supposed reality. The world is what we make it. And I for one will not participate in the games you describe. And by doing so, you are part of the problem.
As for your explanation that "The GOP accumulates power and the DEM act like this is a hobby," this is why I left the republican party. I actually tend to agree with republicans more often than democrats on individual policy issues. But the unapologetic cynicism of the republican party - their open quest for power regardless of principles - is contrary in every way to what I see as the American ideal.
Until the Republican party purges itself of the Roger Stones of the world and of the philosophy of party over country (remember Mike Pence's personal slogan? "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican - in that order." So, how far down the list is "an American," I wonder?), I would rather vote for soft and senile Joe Biden any day than a modern republican. Hell, I'd vote for Bernie Sanders before most modern republicans. Sure, Bernie is dead wrong on virtually everything, but I'm pretty sure that I can trust him with the rule of law.
If forced to choose between the extremes offered by the parties, I suppose I'd rather have Scandinavian Democratic Socialism and meaningful elections over a Putin style despotism (which is the natural end of politics in the name of power).
Feel free to call me a communist now. I'm going to get back to work.
You're the one calling me names. I don't understand when you call it my "supposed reality" when you later say you left the GOP because "the unapologetic cynicism of the republican party - their open quest for power regardless of principles - is contrary in every way to what I see as the American ideal." This sir is our shared reality.
Complicit democrats involved.
What is wrong with Rubio? He lives in the clouds.
Rubio and Scott are running for President. They are courting the Trump wing and cannot be seen to work with the other side.
They have both called the DEM JNC "unconstitutional." The DEMS on the Rubio JNC have given Rubio the cover he needed. Complicit.
God for bid Rubio doesn’t agree with all of the Tesla/Cadillac/Mercedes/BMW/Audi/Porsche driving white liberal male defense attorneys who live in gated communities. when you guys come back to reality and decide to live like the rest of the little people maybe you’ll change your tune.
Other than some old dude in the Villages, who in the world with money would drive a Cadillac?
Please explain the Rubio comment above. What's the disagreement with him? Whether the DEM JNC is "unconstitutional?"
Sure, Biden is going to put them on top of the list :)
IMHO Nothing makes them more tarnished than to be listed by Rubio
One other point. Rubio authored a bi-partisan immigration bill and minutes after voting for it went on the Rush Limbaugh show to bash his own bill. Rubio once supported Judge Thomas too. Any of these candidates are fooling themselves if they think Rubio would stand behind them if any right winger wants to oppose them. Rubio flips on every issue...too long to mention here. A blessing from Rubio is not worth anything and is actually a kiss of death.
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