Monday, February 03, 2025

The new administration hasn't figured out how to cancel this, yet.

Looks like a very interesting presentation.


Anonymous said...

"the intersection of identity and experience." Sounds like a Kamala Harris word salad.

Anonymous said...

no afpd?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you should attend and learn a little about other people’s experiences. Though caution - this may require bursting the bubble you apparently live in.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Kudos to the court for putting on a CRT program in this moment.

Anonymous said...

What else is new. Redheaded step-children. (Sorry redheads).

Anonymous said...

Biden is out. We now have real president with common sense. There is no need to apologize to the redheads. No one really has anything against redheads. Geeeez

Anonymous said...

Which part was the common sense again? The senseless sort-of trade war with allies Mexico and Canada? The unlawful cessation of federal funding that was immediately enjoined by two courts? Or turning over the treasury to Elon Musk and his 20 year old minions? Or maybe it was blaming a plane crash on diversity, equity, and inclusion? I guess avoiding conversations that acknowledge race in society are important enough to you to let all those other things slide.

Anonymous said...

CRT is an academic field that has been around for more than 40 years. Just because some politicians dusted it off to make it the latest bogeyman to attack doesn’t change that. Judges generally would not be qualified to put on a CRT program. That you would characterize it as that probably says more about you than them.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how 'Arabs for Trump' in Michigan feel about supporting Trump now that he has come out and said Palestinians need to be relocated from Gaza!

Or, Venezuelans in Doral.

Or, people who prefer not to have their children drink led in water.

Or, all those conservative law enforcement professionals.

Everybody always thinks those guys are talking about somebody else and that they will be fine, until they are not fine.

Anonymous said...

I have actually read Kimberle Crenshaw on this subject. Have you? This topic is classic CRT. And it is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact: The Court sent this invite to the "Agency Head" at the USAO to be distributed. And that's as far as it got. (Who knows who that "head" have been, depending on when it was sent over by the Court).

The AUSA on the panel didn't even get a chance to see her name was spelled wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully she knows to show up to the panel

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - these goons will overlook basically anything to make sure there's a caste system that can stay near the top of and to keep our transgender human colleagues out of sight because it makes them feel icky (or turned on) inside.

Anonymous said...

@5:53am, your MAGA-T hat is crooked.

Anonymous said...

Good thing the new administration doesn't controlling everyone!