Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday before trial

What do you do on the weekend before trial?  Are you cramming?  Do you try to relax a bit?  Do you spend time with the client?

An old colleague of mine at the PD's, Vince Farina, used to say -- if you don't know it by now, you don't know it.  He would go get a massage and a haircut.


Anonymous said...

Nah - at that point, what's gonna happen is what's gonna happen. Might as well relax.

Fake E.B. Williams said...

The idea of "relaxing" the weekend before a trial seems bizarre to me. Now certainly you should try to eat well and bank rest because you need your stamina. But you have a person's life in your hands. You have to continue to work on the case to ensure that you give your optimal performance. With all due respect to Mr. Farina, being an effective trial lawyer is not simply a matter of "knowing it." Knowing the case is certainly important, but how to best communicate your defense to the jury and your arguments to the judge is a matter of continual refinement. And to the person who said "whatever's gonna happen, gonna happen," you obviously have never tried a case or are a judge or both.

Anonymous said...

Your client could not be in better hands. You got this!

Anonymous said...

Vince would also get a manicure! I follow that tradition.

Anonymous said...

Oh hi - that was me. But I'm not a criminal defense lawyer and would never want to be. No one's life is ever in my hands, nor would I want it to be. I just fight over money. So I relax the weekend before.

Anonymous said...

Is that massage a spa treatment or an 8th Street special? Makes a big difference.