Monday, August 19, 2024

Chris Morvillo feared dead

I am devastated about today's news that superstar lawyer Chris Morvillo, who was set to celebrate the high profile acquittal of Mike Lynch on Lynch's yacht, is feared dead after a tornado hit the anchored ship.  Morvillo's wife and Lynch also are presumed dead. Adding to the tragedy, Lynch's co-defendant, who also was acquitted, died this weekend in an unrelated accident.

I am having a tough time processing what happened.  I had Chris on my podcast just last week.  We had never met before being introduced for the episode, but we became fast friends, emailing about the case and his upcoming adventure. We shared so many good stories about trial work.  We honestly could have made a 3 hour episode and we were both surprised that the hour flew by so quickly. I could tell right away what an amazing guy Chris was. Smart. A fighter. Passionate.  A family guy who spoke glowingly about his children.  

The story of this representation, which lasted over 10+ years, is amazing.  Chris dedicated over a decade of his career to obtaining justice for Mike Lynch.  He got it and then for this to happen.... it's tough to find the right words.

In the last few days, we emailed about the episode and the positive feedback we had been receiving.  He was so excited about the trip. He couldn't wait for his daughters to meet up with him and his wife.  I am so thankful the girls had not yet arrived when this tragedy struck.   

For a guy coming off the win of his career and about to celebrate with his client and family, I cannot imagine a worse tragedy.  I am sick about it.  I am thinking about his two daughters and the rest of his family, his colleagues, and everyone else who knew Chris -- a shining light in our white collar criminal defense world. He will be greatly missed. 

Update -- here's the raw video of the interview with Chris.  I thought it would help show what an incredible guy he was.


Anonymous said...

Very sad indeed. Notwithstanding this was the brother's destiny and even if he was tucked away safely in his bed, his destiny would have located him. By all means celebrate the brother's life and his victories!

Anonymous said...

I had just listened to him on your podcast this past week and was so very impressed with him. As a listener you get a glimpse of the person, and with some, as with Mr. Morvillo, you see he would be the kind of person that would be nice to know and talk to - and then to see this is shocking reminder how short and precious life is in our short time on this planet.

Anonymous said...

Chris was warm and kind, generous with his time, and of course an excellent lawyer. We were high school classmates and friends. His wife Neda was a talented jewelry designer. Terribly sad.

Rumpole said...

Your blog and mine today have one simple message. Life is precious. Every day is a gift.

David Oscar Markus said...


Anonymous said...

I’m so glad that you were able to capture a bit of what made Chris so very special. He and Neda are among the most dear people you’d have the good fortune to know. I’m sure his daughters will, over time, appreciate hearing their dad’s voice in your podcast. Thank you for your timely episode.

Anonymous said...

Let's not go concluding anything until they find the bodies. There's already wild speculation that rich people faked their own deaths and that the co-defendant's sudden unrelated accident was no accident.

Anonymous said...

I do not know if 5:18 is a joke or not...which is sad.

In the age of Jewish space lasers, the idea that some people will inevitably believe that a billionaire controlled the weather and brought forth a tornado to sink a yacht, is not far fetched.

Of course, if he was not Jewish, then a cabal of Jews who control the weather would have conspired to raise the tempest....either to help him or their own interests.


Anonymous said...

Beyond sad. David please let us know if there is going to be some kind of GoFundMe to benefit their daughters.

Anonymous said...

5 out of 6 bodies found so far.