Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Be glad you didn't clerk for this guy. Sheesh.

 From Bloomberg:

An Alaska federal judge who abruptly resigned last week engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship with a former law clerk and lied about it to an investigating judicial panel, a Ninth Circuit judicial council said.

Joshua Kindred, a Trump appointee, who sat on the US District Court for the District of Alaska since 2020, “engaged in misconduct pervasive and abusive, constituted sexual harassment, and fostered a hostile work environment that took a personal and professional toll on multiple clerks,” the council concluded in a 30-page order released Monday.

“Judge Kindred’s conduct was not civil, dignified, or respectful—attributes that we expect from a federal judge—and his interactions with his law clerks were abusive, oppressive, and inappropriate,” the order said.

Kindred submitted plans to resign as of Monday in a two-sentence resignation letter posted by the court July 5 that didn’t provide a reason for his departure.

In a Monday release, the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit said it had “publicly reprimanded and admonished Judge Kindred for his conduct” and requested that he voluntarily resign. The Ninth Circuit Judicial Council had also certified the matter to the Judicial Conference of the United States to consider impeachment.

“In all respects, this was a serious and sensitive matter,” said Mary Murguia, chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

The council’s order, released publicly in a rare move, found that Kindred engaged in what the council described as an “unusually close relationship” with one unnamed law clerk, who later went on to work in the US Attorney’s Office in Alaska.


Meantime, Miami's own Jeff Weiner is out with the newest edition of his book, O'Connor's Federal Criminal Criminal Rules & Codes Plus.  It's great for your library: "O'Connor's Federal Criminal Rules & Codes Plus provides the annotated Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, and more. The book also includes other federal rules, Title 18 U.S.C., selections from the Sentencing Guidelines, and selections from many other U.S.C. titles that provide for offenses or relate to criminal procedure."  


Anonymous said...

“the best people…”

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a former PB Judge's antics, recommending the pretty clerks and ASA short skirts to the Feds, his former office. Don't you know who he is??