Monday, May 08, 2023

"Supremely Arrogant"

That's the title of Maureen Dowd's NYT op-ed on the Supreme Court.  From the conclusion:

John Roberts cannot accept that these justices are incapable of policing themselves. Despite all the slime around him, he refused to testify before Congress about a court that blithely disdains ethics.

One reason may be, as The Times reported, that the chief justice’s own wife, Jane, has made millions of dollars as a legal recruiter, placing lawyers at firms with business before the Supreme Court.

Even though I’ve been writing since Bush v. Gore that the court is full of hacks and the bloom is off the robes, it is still disorienting to see the murk of this Supreme Court.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Why do you post garbage like Dowd's column on this blog? "Slime" "hacks" "disdains ethics"
    All this column demonstrates is that Dowd is dimwitted enough to have fallen for a couple of pathetic hit pieces that didn't even make the case that any justice has done anything unethical.
    Thomas's friend has never even had business before the court. Worst briber ever.
    I guess I missed Dowd's column on RBG accepting awards from the ACLU while ruling on cases where the ACLU is a party, or cases where her husband's law firm represented parties before the court. Apparently I also missed the one about Sotomayor taking millions from her book publisher-which should have been classified a gift given her actual sales-then ruling in cases that directly benefitted the publisher. And the time Sotomayor failed to list dozens of trips in her disclosures.
    Dowd is a bitter, ignorant, lazy, Beltway partisan hack.
