Friday, May 05, 2023

Gillum Found Not Guilty


By John R. Byrne

Not a trial in the Southern District of Florida but a trial with Southern District of Florida ties. Our own David Markus and Margot Moss obtained a "not guilty" verdict on the charge of lying to the FBI for the former gubernatorial candidate. The jury hung on the other 18 counts, but apparently were 10-2 in favor of acquittal on those. Prosecutors say they'll retry Gillum. Lot of national press coverage on this one.

Good luck to the Heat (Saturday @3:30) and Panthers (Sunday @6:30) this weekend.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What wonderful news for Gillum and his legal team. I hope they all get to relax and celebrate this victory this weekend after a hard fought trial.

  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Do they want to retry the case in an attempt to get 10 to become like the two. Somebody should tell those guys not to waste taxpayer's money.

  3. 10-2. F word. Wow.

  4. David and Margot:

    Congratulations. " Ain't nothing sweeter than a two word verdict."

    Peter Raben

  5. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Dont gloat yet. The feds will take another wack at them. Gillum is not out of the woods yet. He had 5 blacks on the jury, He may not get that number next time.

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Only Republicans get convicted of lying to the FBI

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Question. How does it work on a retrial if the client doesn’t have the funds to pay more for the work? Do federal judges allow the lawyers to withdraw or are they stuck?

  8. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I voted for Andrew Gillum, and the revelations of his pre- and post-election behavior, Hamilton-ticket-taking, and other misconduct (how about naked in a MB hotel room with a guy who had overdosed? What a great role model!) were just devastating.
    The criminal case had vulnerabilities, which David and Margot fully exposed, and their first-class legal work, proven over years of careful preparation and courtroom activity, won the case. But Gillum is certainly heavily responsible, by his lack of morals and ethical violations, for the increasing strength of the GOP in the Legislature and for sure gave DeSantis a leg up on his crusade to turn us all into models of German citizens of the 20s and 30s.
    I dearly hope that David and Margot, Richard Klugh, and the other excellent lawyers on Gillum's case, got paid a LOT of $$$$$$, and that Gillum (not a lawyer so can't be disbarred) is on the hook to be paying them (or whoever fronted the money) for years and years and is forced to do work that enables him to do so.

  9. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Government just announced they won't retry him. Congratulations David and team. You might want to skip the victory party, however, especially if it's held in Miami.
