Friday, August 21, 2020

John Byrne discussed high school football

It's a little off-topic, but hey, it's Friday afternoon. Check out his Miami Herald op-ed here.  The intro:

 On Aug. 14, the Florida High School Athletic Association’s board of directors approved Aug. 24 as the start of practice for the fall sports seasons, including football. Under the FHSAA’s plan, the regular season will start on Sept. 4, and there will be a nine-week regular season. As in past years, there will be playoffs in November and a state championship in December.

Of course, this isn’t like past years in one major respect: the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has had an undeniable impact on this country — and on Florida and Miami-Dade County, in particular. And, in the sports arena, it’s already led major college football conferences to cancel the football season. The FHSAA however, plans to move forward as if it’s business as usual, with the only exception being that it’s giving high schools until Sept. 18 to opt-out of its proposed schedule and set their own, the consequence being that these schools can’t compete for a state championship.

The FHSAA plan is unacceptable.


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    John Byrne is a true gentlemen and a scholar.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    No HS football? Commie.
