Thursday, August 20, 2020

If Judge Wilson takes senior status next year, who will take his spot on the 11th Circuit?

The vetting room blog says that Roy Altman is a likely candidate if Trump wins:

Judge Roy Altman (S.D. Fl.)

The 38 year old Altman was the youngest district court judge in the country when he was appointed in 2019, and, despite that youth, he sailed to confirmation by a 2-1 margin, a landslide among recent confirmation votes.  Altman will likely be strongly considered for a seat on the Eleventh Circuit if Judge Charles Wilson moves to senior status in a second Trump term, or if Judges Lagoa or Luck are elevated to the U.S. Supreme Court.

And if Biden wins:

Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner (M.D. Ga.)

The sister of the famous Stacey Abrams, Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner made history as the first woman ever appointed to the Middle District of Georgia.  The 45-year-old Gardner is poised to potentially make history again as the first black woman appointed to the Eleventh Circuit (and potentially further to the Supreme Court).


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Why would Biden take away a Florida seat and give it to Georgia? That is the type of prediction that comes from someone who has know idea how Circuit Court appointments actually work.

    Abrams may well be a favorite for a Georgia seat, but not for Judge Wilson's seat.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Interesting, but, regarding Judge Abrams Gardner, I'm not sure that the author thought that through. You would expect Judge Wilson to be replaced by another judge from Florida, per tradition (yes, I know, tradition holds only so much weight these days, but still).

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I retract my prior comment. I see that the author was not necessarily suggesting that Judge Abrams Gardner would be considered as a replacement for Judge Wilson, but that she would be considered for any eligible seat on the Eleventh Circuit. Indeed, it is plausible that Judge Martin would take senior status in a Biden first term.

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hopefully Judge Wilson doesn't do what another judge recently did and turned his back on the party that nominated him. Prsident William Jefferson Clinton - a Democrat - appointed Judge Wilson to two important posts-U.S. Attorney for the MDFL and to the 11th Circuit. By tradition, he should not give President Trump an opportunity to further shift the balance of the Court.

    Similarly, tradition suggests that his seat under a potential Biden administration should be filled by a Floridian. Otherwise, she is eminently qualified for a seat on the 11th and of course her sister is a very influential voice in the Democratic party.

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    If Trump Wins? That's hilarious. Biden landslide.

    I wonder who Biden will appoint as US Attorney here to replace Fajardo Orshan.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Some hack who will continue to prosecute small time crack dealers, black men, etc. Nothing will change. Brady will be withheld, discovery produced in trial, high min mans charged for no legitimate reason.

    The fact that Fajardo was not able to completely fuck the office despite her best attempts (welcome ASAs who could not go to ivy league schools) and demands to be called "Judge" basically shows that the office, like Freddy Kruger, can't be destroyed.

    And the beat goes on....

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    The office is being destroyed by the failure to hire Ivy Leaguers? That may be the dumbest thing I've rad on this blog.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      If you want to identify ideas as dumb, make sure to check your spelling. Obviously, you attended Ave Maria.

  8. What makes you think Wilson would retire if Trump won? I know there are whispers about him retiring, but unless he is privately dealing with some medical or family need, I can’t see him retiring with Trump in office.

  9. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Actually I went to NYU.

    Here are our 11th Circuit judges who didn't attend Ivy League law schools:


    District court judges:


    Let us know if you think these judges are destroying our court.

  10. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Guy - the Ivy League part was a joke - relax. The former ASAs are actually great additions. It is very clear you went to an Ivy League school - you need to chill out!!! ;)

  11. 10:06 AM, Hillary landslide is what they said too. Don't get overconfident. We need to get out the vote like it's 2008.
