Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Miami is new epicenter of corona

That’s the headline everywhere this morning.
Getting much less attention is how that affects the jails and prisons in South Florida.
Criminal defense lawyers know that the local facilities are a true disaster right now.
Clients are on 24-hour lockdown, unable to see family or counsel.
They are locked in their small cells with two other inmates and not permitted to leave.
There is extremely limited testing.
There are no masks.
It’s like being in a Super-Max while the virus creeps around the building.
Here’s one article that at least is covering the issue:
"The virus has already spread inside," Troitino said. "I am highly concerned for public safety. Our facility is in the middle of a community, a very vibrant community."

Internal documents NBC 6 obtained showed that on Tuesday, 11 inmates had the virus. Troitino says there was a big jump, indicating trouble.

"Yesterday alone we discovered in one area that held 60 inmates over 22 tested positive and that’s only after testing 28," he said. "We don’t know where this is going to lead but it looks catastrophic at the moment."

Troitino said officers were given inferior PPE gear. Warden Sylvester Jenkins denied that claim in an email.
Our judges have let a few folks out for compassionate release, but a lot more needs to be done. And Judges Williams and Cooke tried to deal with state and immigration facilities. But how about granting bail? Or contested CR motions? Waiving the 30-day administrative waiting requirement? And so on.


Anonymous said...

The ones are criminal custody are fortunate to be in cells. The immigration centers use giant pods holding up to 120 people in a cramped space with bunk beds.

Anonymous said...

Will any of our local journalists please look into the situation at FCI Miami? The conditions are horrific.

Anonymous said...

Were number 1!

Anonymous said...

Now you just wait one damn minute - everybody knows that Alabama has owned the NCAA for the past several years - just hold my beer:

"Gov - yeah, Nick here...we got some of those damn Southern Yankees from Miami claiming to be number 1 and all that...well, I know, but they seem to have the numbers...you think you can do something to help out? Face masks - well, shoot, if they aren't playing ball, why the hell would they need one anyhow? Great - so you will make sure to let everybody know its a bunch of malarkey and they don't need no g-damn protection - wonderful...yeah, well be back on top soon. Oh, the bars too - you are a g-damn genius!"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment Judge Pryor.

Anonymous said...

Why has there been no coverage of the recusal motion on the felon disenfranchisement 11th Circuit case?


Meggasaber blog said...

coronavĂ­rus not have more control