Thursday, January 08, 2009

“I’m still clinging to my BlackBerry. They’re going to pry it out of my hands.”

No, that wasn't one of the recently sentenced white-collar defendants in our district. It was our President-Elect Obama. Gotta love the guy. Here's the ABA Journal article on the BlackBerry dispute.

Speaking of Obama, is it possible that he keeps Alex Acosta as U.S. Attorney? Read Julie Kay's article here.


  1. I think he's saying the same thing about the pack of smokes hidden in his desk drawer....

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I eat with my B/Berry. I sleep with my B/Berry. I want to be buried with my B/Berry.

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Why should he keep Acosta, he recuses himself from every politically sensitive case anyway.

    They should bring somebody in who will enforce all of the laws of the land, including the Bill of Rights, this office has a woeful record in that regard.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    What does that mean?

    Acosta is well liked by his office.

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Didn't vote for Osama but willing to give him a chance. He should however fire every US Attorney except in case of extraordinary circumstances. Now if Acosta was willing to try the Kuehne case first chair himself, he should be retained. Otherwise, give him the boot with the rest of the hacks that my dumbass President appointed in the last several years.

  6. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Although Acosta has done a good job overall, particularly compared to his predecessor and given his lack of qualification, there is no reason to keep Acosta on -- or virtually any U.S. Attorney for that matter. The USA position is a political one, and it is -- for better or worse -- handed out as a political prize to the well connected. (Just compare Jimenez and Acosta with every career DOJ person considered for the job in recent history like Ed Nucci and Ken Blanco.) Merit and experience are not important factors, sad, but true.

    Moreover, I have been through my share of USAs, and I have never seen their leaving negatively impact an investigation; if anything, keeping on lame ducks causes more stagnation than the other way around as people continually wonder when the current office holder will be leaving and who will take charge next (and the concomitant changes in the leadership team). See, e.g., Jimenez (people were wondering for months when he was going to leave; it was the worst kept secret in the office ("There goes Dead Man Walking."))

    The one thing I do agree with is keeping Ken Melson as the Director of EOUSA. Melson is a 26-year veteran of DOJ, not a political guy, and someone who came in and cleaned up after the mess that was made in the wake of AG Gonzalez, in particular.

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Chuckie Taylor sentencing is today. Any news?

  8. Anonymous11:09 AM

    7:26 - I have to say that your comment is the most rational post I have ever seen on this blog. Congrats.
