Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Not Guilty North of the Border. What a relief! I'm still convinced there is no better feeling than hearing those two words...

I'll be back in the office today trying to get the computer back in order, catching up on stuff, and then finally getting back to the blog.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Profiling Prosecutors and Public Defenders

This morning's Daily Business Review profiles prosecutors and PDs. AUSAs Ed Nucci, Caroline Heck Miller, and Richard Gregorie are discussed as well as AFPD Faith Mesnekoff. There is also a long story about why public servants join these offices and why many must leave.

Friday, August 11, 2006


So we didn't finish the North of the Border Trial today as I had hoped. Summations will be Monday, which means a stressful weekend. Even worse, my Microsoft Exchange Server crashed at the office today, and my tech guy tells me that I've probably lost all my data. I thought this stuff never disappears... So do I start from scratch, hire a data recovery team, or try to recreate what I can from different places? UGH!!!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Still North of the Border

I'm still in trial and plan on catching up this weekend with SDFLA news. In the meantime, I did notice that the en banc 11th Circuit affirmed Judge Lenard in the Cuban Spy case (USA v. Ruben Campa), in which a panel of the 11th Circuit originally reversed on venue grounds. The original panel (Judges Birch and Kravitch) dissented. And the en banc court remanded to the panel to consider the other issues raised on the appeal. I haven't had a chance to read the opinions which run over 120 pages, but when I do this weekend, I'll post some thoughts. If any of you have read it, please post your comments.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A stranger in a strange land...

Sorry for the slow blogging... I'm in trial in Broward State Court (or as Rumpole would say: North of the Border). Here's an article about the trial if you are interested.

Big news in federal court -- drum roll please -- attorneys are now permitted to bring camera phones into the courthouse. I commend Chief Judge Zloch for amending the old rule prohibiting such phones. Pictures, of coures, are still prohibited..