Sunday, May 06, 2007

Weekend reading...

The Herald had a bunch of stuff this weekend:

1. "The former Monroe County attorney wound up with probation for his role in a bribery and corruption case dating back nearly a decade." Judge Highsmith sentenced James Hendrick, former Magistrate Judge Hugh Morgan's partner, to probation and said: ''An awful lot of people came forward on your behalf. Do not disappoint us.''

2. "Feds cast wide net in Pepe Diaz probe: A federal investigation into a Miami-Dade commissioner revolves around a law that has been a boon to prosecutors, but that a defense lawyer rips as a `toxic waste dump.'" That's Richard Sharpstein, our local quote master.

3. "Lesser sentences sought for two Posada associates: The U.S. attorney's office in Miami agreed to lower the prison sentences of two Cuban exiles with ties to anti-Castro militant Luis Posada Carriles."

More Awards

Last night the Miami Chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers had its annual banquet (this year's was at the JW Marriot on Brickell). Great turnout to honor Kathy Williams, Scott Fingerhut, Paul Rashkind, and Judge Joseph Farina. Each of the honorees gave incredible speeches. (I was president of FACDL-Miami this year; Barry Wax is taking over.)

It's been a very difficult couple of weeks for the criminal defense lawyer and criminal defendant in state court. No more rebuttal close for the defense, and court appointed funding for conflict cases (their equivalent to CJA lawyers) is no more. Instead, there will be an underfunded second public defender's office to handle conflicts. It's a total disaster. Most of the speakers discussed these recent events.

Federal sightings: Judge Moreno, Judge Brown, U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, and lots of federal PDs.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

"Lawyer for alleged madam seen as quite a case himself"

Because this guy has South Florida ties, I post this really strange article about Montgomery Blair Sibley, the lawyer for the DC Madam. (thanks for the comment -- the link is fixed).

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Congrats to Judge Federico Moreno

He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Judges Steve Leifman and Gerald Wetherington also received awards.
Lots of funny moments in the speech, but I particularly liked when he thanked his clerks and said that it was the best part of the job because he added to his family every year. Really nice...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wilk defense

Kenneth Wilk's turn...

The Government rested and painted a pretty awful picture of Wilk.

Now Wilk is putting on evidence that he had AIDS dementia (via Sun-Sentinel), which is why he did what he did:

An expert witness testified for the defense that Kenneth Wilk had AIDS dementia on the day he fatally shot a Broward sheriff's deputy, and said there was independent medical evidence, which could not be faked, to support the diagnosis.Symptoms of the condition are not easily observed and that could explain why Wilk was not previously diagnosed, said Dr. Michael Maher, a Tampa physician and psychiatrist, in two days of testimony that ended Monday in federal court.

"I am very confident that he ... suffers from AIDS dementia," Maher said last week.Another defense medical expert is expected to testify that MRI and other scans of Wilk's brain show evidence of dementia.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Jimmy Johnson in Court...

...for jury selection.

Judge King cut him loose -- after figuring out who he was:

A third fellow stepped forward and said his name was James Johnson. He knew the importance of jury duty, he said, but he had a special houseguest and, please, if he wasn't really needed, could he be excused?

Besides, he said, he'd been a defendant in a few minor civil suits, so maybe the lawyers wouldn't want him anyway.

'I said, `What's your business?' '' King recalls. Fox Sports analyst, he said.
King looked at him funny. ''Did you coach?'' ``Yes.''
''Where?'' King asked. Miami Dolphins, Dallas Cowboys, University of Miami, Oklahoma State. He rattled off others -- Iowa State, Wichita State.

''That's enough,'' said King as folks in the courtroom laughed. By then, the judge realized it was Jimmy Johnson.

King, 79, joked about his lousy hearing and wisecracked: ``Now I've proven that I can't see very well, either. I should have recognized you.''

Johnson, 63, an Islamorada resident, told King his houseguest was Bill Parcells, who recently retired as Dallas head coach. He planned to take the Big Tuna fishing.

King excused Johnson, but not before asking him to predict the Gators' record for next season.
Johnson recalls that exchange. 'I said, `I have no idea. I'm the worst in the world at picking games.' ''

King may not have recognized him, but others did. As Johnson sat on the courthouse steps at 7:30 a.m., waiting for the building to open, he got waves from passersby and requests for autographs.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Daniel, assistant federal public defender Hector Flores and Key West attorney Charles Milligan say Johnson appeared smaller than on TV. Daniel: ''A very humble guy.'' Flores: ''Very charming.'' Milligan: ''Didn't have his hair as bouffant-ed up.'' Defense lawyer Albert Levin got an autograph.

Coincidentally, Johnson received a summons for state jury duty in Marathon that same day. He was excused from that, too -- after the feds called on his behalf to say he had already reported in Key West.

King says he had no problem putting Johnson on waivers. ``We accommodate people.''

Back to work

Sorry for the slowwww blogging, but I was at my ten year law school reunion in Boston this weekend. This guy seemed to get all the attention for attending his 25 year reunion...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Don't mess with Judge Cooke

Apparently a reporter from CBS radio tried to bring in a transmitting device to the overflow media room in the Jose Padilla trial to broadcast jury selection. Judge Cooke issues a rule to show cause as to why CBS should not be held in contempt of court.

From the Order (proving that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction):

On Tuesday, April 24, 2007, AT&T representatives presented themselves at this
Case 0:04-cr-60001-MGC Document 1018 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/25/2007 Page 1 of 3
courthouse with a work order to install an ISDN feed in the press overflow room. An ISDN feed
is a circuit-switched telephone network system designed to allow digital transmission of voice
and data over ordinary telephone lines. The United States Marshals Service contacted this Court to confirm authorization for the work order. The Court had not granted such authorization, and was unaware of any such work order having been issued to AT&T.
Further investigation revealed that a request had been made to the Clerk of Court for an
ISDN feed to be installed, but that request had been denied. It was then discovered that the
contact on the AT&T work order was Peter King, from CBS Radio, Orlando. Thus, it appears
that Peter King of CBS has violated this Court’s Order Regarding Media Conduct and Press
Media Room. [DE 979] . As Mr. King holds himself out to be an employee of the CBS network,
and not simply a local affiliate, it would also appear that CBS, through Mr. King’s actions, has
violated the Order as well.