Monday, January 01, 2018

Chief Justice Roberts’ year end report

Happy new year SDFLA readers! 

Chief Justice Roberts issued this year-end report, discussing how the courts dealt with natural disasters and how they will deal with sexual harassment.  Here’s the intro:
In October 1780, while American patriots engaged the British in decisive battles for independence, a storm was brewing in the Caribbean.  The Great Hurricane of 1780—the deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record— tracked a course from the Lesser Antilles to Bermuda, leaving a trail of destruction that touched both Florida and Puerto Rico.  Historians estimate that more than 20,000 people died.  The “Great Hurricane” was just one of several storms that ravaged the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico that fall.  In all, more than 28,000 perished.   Nearly two and a half centuries later, we remain vulnerable to natural catastrophes. Modern communication has enhanced our ability to learn of impending disasters, take precautions, and respond to those in need.  But today’s news cycle can also divert attention from the continuing consequences of calamities.  The torrent of information we now summon and dispense at the touch of a thumb can sweep past as quickly as the storm itself, causing us to forget the real life after-affects for those left in misfortune’s wake.
Court emergency preparedness is not headline news, even on a slow news day. But it is important to assure the public that the courts are doing their part to anticipate and prepare for emergency response to people in need.  

Friday, December 29, 2017


Happy New Year!

While the rest of the country freezes, we are nice and cozy down here in the Southern District of Florida.  I hope everyone enjoys their family and friends during this short break.  All the best for 2018!

If you are looking for some light reading over the holiday, here's a fun article from with laugh lines at the Supreme Court.  A few examples:
Noel Francisco’s wedding cake. (Masterpiece v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission)
Justice Neil Gorsuch: “In fact, I have yet to have a wedding cake that I would say tastes great.”
Solicitor General Noel Francisco:  And, Your Honor, my wedding cake, the top of it is still sitting in our freezer, and I’m sure it no longer tastes great.”

An “obscure” question from Breyer. (Wilson v. Sellers)
Breyer: “Now, that’s extreme, but you see my point. Okay? What’s the answer to my point?”
Georgia Solicitor General Sarah Warren: “Justice Breyer, I’m not sure exactly what the, what the question was.”
Breyer: “Sorry. Well, from your pleasant expression, it sounded to me as if you were understanding my obscure question.”

Party like a justice. (District of Columbia v. Wesby)
Kagan: “And when looked at from the reasonable partygoer’s view, there are these parties that, once long ago, I used to be invited to, where you didn’t know the host, but you know Joe is having a party. And can I say that long, long ago, marijuana was maybe present at those parties? And, you know, so—and you know, it just is not obvious that the reasonable partygoer is supposed to walk into this apartment and say, ‘Got to get out of here.’”

Thursday, December 28, 2017

“Given the caliber of nominees I’m seeing, I’m not comfortable creating a spot that might be filled by someone consistent with the qualifications, or lack of qualifications, of some of the folks I’ve seen nominated."

“Given the caliber of nominees I’m seeing, I’m not comfortable creating a spot that might be filled by someone consistent with the qualifications, or lack of qualifications, of some of the folks I’ve seen nominated." -- Anonymous appellate judge quoted in this BuzzFeed article from yesterday.

Of course there's no issue with staying on board until there's a President you agree with, but other than the occasional outlier, this criticism seems wrong to me.  Whether or not you agree with the politics of Trump's nominees so far, the majority of them seem qualified. Speaking of which, there are still 5 openings waiting to be filled in the Southern District of Florida.  Sources tell me that all 10 JNC finalists have been interviewed by the Senators and/or the White House.  Sources also tell me that the Senators won't be narrowing the list down to 5 recommendations for President Trump (as has been done with previous administrations).  Instead, all 10 nominees will be sent to the President's desk and he will pick 5 out of those... or 5 different selections... or a combination.  No one seems to know.

There's also this bubbling fight with the ABA over Trump's judicial picks.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas one day late in NY Fifa trial

Merry Christmas one day late in NY Fifa trial...

...Bruce Udolf showed the NY prosecutors how things are done from the 3-0-5 (Update—okay, okay... technically Udolf is from the 9-5-4). Not guilty for Manuel Burga, the former president of Peru's soccer federation, who has been in trial the last few months in the Eastern District of New York. The other two defendants were convicted.

Here's Burga leaving the courthouse with Udolf after the win.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy Festivus...

... for the rest of us.

Some airing of grievances:

1) Judges who don't vary down from the guidelines for first-time non-violent offenders.

2) Prosecutors who don't have open file discovery.

3) Defense lawyers who don't share what their cooperating clients are going to say.

4) The sentencing guidelines.

5) The few remaining judges who don't order early exhibit lists and pre-trial Jencks.

6) The good-faith exception to the 4th Amendment.

7) "Harmless error."

8) "PCA"

9) Arresting someone without giving them the opportunity to surrender.

10) Min-mans