Monday, September 12, 2005

John Roberts' hearings

Lots of stuff out there on the hearings taking place right now. For the best coverage check out SCOTUSBlog and How Appealing.

Friday, September 09, 2005

No charges for DeFede

It is now official -- the State won't charge Jim DeFede for taping Art Teele's last phone conversation. Although this doesn't prove that DeFede's actions were legal, I think it supports my position in the debate.

UPDATE -- Professor Froomkin over at his blog actually takes the position that the State's decision not to charge supports his position that DeFede commited a crime. He bases his argument on the prosecutor's statement that the "uniqueness of the tragic circumstances" led to the conclusion not to prosecute, not any "special journalistic privilege or legal exception accorded to Mr. DeFede." Anyone buying?

New Ft. Lauderdale courthouse?

The DBR reports today that Broward County has agreed to donate land for a new federal courthouse in Ft. Lauderdale. This has been the subject to a big fight recently because of Judge Zloch's memo to the Judicial Conference to close the Ft. Lauderdale courthouse to save money. According to the article, which I could not find online, "out of 35 new courthosue proposals nationally, Broward's ranks seventh on a priority list."

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Still no lawyer for Orejuela

Today Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela -- alleged founder of the Cali cartel -- rejected Judge Moreno's offer to appoint a lawyer (from the Criminal Justice Act Panel) to represent him and asked for more time to hire a lawyer. Judge Moreno gave him until September 21. I earlier posted about this here. Coverage of today's hearing here.
Disclosure -- I am the representative for the CJA panel for the Southern District of Florida.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Vacation over...

I'm back. Thanks to my guest blogger, ANON, who still wishes to remain anonymous... Hopefully s/he will continue to help me out with the blog. Two quick items before sleep.

1. Steel Hector is no more. It has been gobbled up by Squire Sanders. I originally posted about this here. Steel had lots of trouble lately, but this is a sad close to a law firm with lots of Miami history.

2. Apparently there will be a charging decision soon with Jim DeFede. I'm not sure what they are waiting for, but we'll know soon. Prof. Froomkin and I debated whether DeFede's actions were legal here and here.