Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Round 1 to the IRS over Colley Billie

Yesterday, Judge Williams ordered him to sit for a deposition, saying that he could not just assert a blanket 5th Amendment right to silence. Instead, he would have to assert it question by question, document by document in response to IRS questioning.

Then the parties can come back before the court to determine whether those assertions were valid or not.

What's the over/under on how many times in the depo he asserts the 5th?  I'm putting the line at 50.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Is bond jumping a real problem?

The Miami Herald ran a big story this weekend on Medicare fraud defendants jumping bail, even including a "gallery of rogues."  The article is worth a read and the numbers at first blush seem alarming:
Gonzalez and some 30 other defendants have been captured over the last half-dozen years, with the pace of arrests beginning to pick up this year. There are still another 150 fugitives from outstanding Medicare fraud cases in South Florida, most of them Cuban-born immigrants who fled to Cuba, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and other Spanish-speaking countries to evade federal trials.
My problem with the article though is that there is no discussion about how many defendants actually appear for court after being released on bond.  In fact, the statistics kept by the Bureau of Justice show that the overwhelming majority of criminal defendants released on bond show up for all court appearances at much less cost to the taxpayer than housing them at the Federal Detention Center.

And what about the 150 Medicare defendants that are still on the run?  Well, later in the article, it is revealed that 90 of those 150 are not out on bond and do not even know that they are charged:
The FBI has maintained a list of at least 90 South Florida Medicare fraud fugitives identified by name, compiled by Special Agent Bryan Piper. The bureau, assisted by Health and Human Services-Office of Inspector General, also has a list of an additional 90 defendants who have been charged by sealed indictment, but also are suspected of having fled the region. As a result, they are unaware they are wanted in Miami, and agents don’t want to tip them off.
Finally, most fugitives get caught:
So far, about 30 fugitives have been busted. Culp said that most South Florida fugitives typically get caught while they are on the lam in foreign nations, or when they return to this country through Miami International Airport.
So I hope that the article does not dissuade judges from granting bond.  In the overwhelming number of cases, bond is appropriate, and it works.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/11/02/v-fullstory/3728532/fbi-tracking-down-medicare-fraud.html#storylink=cpyT

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/11/02/v-fullstory/3728532/fbi-tracking-down-medicare-fraud.html#storylink=cpy

Friday, November 01, 2013

Independent judges beware

It's incredible to me that more lawyers aren't upset about the attack on the independence of the judiciary.

First up is the Second Circuit deciding on its own to remove a judge (without any request from the parties) because she said that she wasn't afraid to rule against the government.  From Jeff Toobin's piece:

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit just chastised Shira Scheindlin, the trial judge in the case challenging the constitutionality of the N.Y.P.D.’s stop-and-frisk policy, for speaking out about the issue while the trial was going on. In a ruling today, the appeals court said Scheindlin’s statements suggested that her “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” As a result, all further proceedings in the case, in which Scheindlin found that that city residents’ rights had been violated, will be transferred to another trial judge. The appeals court, in a footnote, in particular cited Scheindlin’s statements to me in a piece for The New Yorker, as well as to the AP and the New York Law Journal. (I have some familiarity with this sort of thing. )
This is preposterous. The Second Circuit took this action on its own, without even a request from the city (the defendant in the case). Apparently, it took the view that there had been such an egregious violation of the rules of judicial conduct that the court had to act on its own—sua sponte, as the lawyers say. It also stayed Scheindlin’s rulings aimed at reforming stop-and-frisk.
Scheindlin did nothing wrong. She talked about her judicial career and her history on the bench in a way that illuminated the work that all judges do. In my experience, it’s a common complaint from judges that the public doesn’t understand their work, and doesn’t care about what they do. Scheindlin’s conduct in this case exemplified the independent tradition of the judiciary. She should be honored for it, not scolded.

Next up is the GOP blocking a nominee to the Court of Appeals in DC:

Next Republicans, who have accused the president of trying to tip the court’s ideological balance in Democrats’ favor, quickly dispensed with the nomination of Patricia Ann Millett to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. A former government lawyer whose husband serves in the military, she has worked in both Republican and Democratic administrations. The White House chose her as a test of how far Republicans would go to derail a qualified nominee.
Republican objections to Ms. Millet had nothing to do with her judicial temperament or political leanings. Instead, Republicans said they wanted to refuse Mr. Obama any more appointments to the appeals court, which is widely recognized as second only to the Supreme Court in importance and often rules on politically significant matters like presidential authority and campaign finance.
“Our Democratic colleagues and the administration’s supporters have been actually pretty candid,” said Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, who pressed his members hard to vote no. “They’ve admitted they want to control the court so it will advance the president’s agenda.”
Another confrontation — on these nominations or others — seems inevitable. Even as Republicans pledged to stop Ms. Millett, two more nominees to the appeals court were working their way through the Senate confirmation pipeline. Robert L. Wilkins, a Federal District Court judge, cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday by a 10-8 party-line vote. Cornelia T. L. Pillard, a Georgetown law professor, was already approved by the committee and is awaiting a vote on the Senate floor.
The court is split evenly with four Republican and four Democratic appointees among the judges who regularly hear cases. Among the judges who are semiretired, five are seen as conservative, one as liberal.
There are still three vacancies that Mr. Obama is trying to fill. Republicans are pushing a bill that would eliminate those seats permanently because they argue the court has a light caseload.
That has prompted Democrats to accuse Republicans of trying to change the rules simply because they do not like the president who is picking judges.
“The judiciary is too important to play partisan games with,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California. “And that’s exactly what’s going on here.”


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Not a lot going on in the SDFLA right now...

Roy Black has an interesting post about appellate advocacy here with lots of good tips and insight.  One thing he says that caught my eye is that he believes that one lawyer should handle the trial and the appeal.  I agree with him:
While preparing for the moot court event, I thought about who should argue the appeal – the trial lawyer or the appellate specialist. I believe in one lawyer – one advocate; one lawyer who has lived the case and knows everything about it. From the investigation to the bail hearing to trial to arguing the appeals. One lawyer should strive to know every detail, to be the one indispensable lawyer who knows every fact, every motion and every precedent. This is the way to being the consummate advocate. The lawyer for the situation. Any situation.   
In other news, Facebook pictures of a gang member's kid on a pony led to his arrest and deportation.  It's unbelievable to me that people don't understand how everyone can see what you post on Facebook.  Via Paula McMahon:
A suspected member of a ruthless criminal gang will be deported — again — after he snuck back into the U.S. and got caught because he posted photos of himself online running pony rides and bounce houses for South Florida kids' parties.Investigators say Dilbert Coreas, 22, of West Palm Beach, is a suspected member of the notorious Central American gang Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). He was deported to his native El Salvador in November after serving time in state prison for drug-related crimes.Coreas, who has distinctive tattoos of a large cross and a tear drop on his face, caught the attention of detectives from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office gang unit when they saw pictures that he posted on Facebook to promote his mother's party-planning business, It'z A Kidz World Party Planning.On Wednesday, Coreas apologized to a federal judge in West Palm Beach for sneaking back into the country just two weeks after he was deported to El Salvador.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

NED award goes to Judge Stanley Marcus

Another item that I missed last week while I was away was the Federal Bar's annual Gala, which honored Judge Marcus with the Edward B. Davis award, known as the NED.

Also, Ani Martinez was installed as the new president of the chapter.

Congratulations to both Ani and Judge Marcus.