Sunday, June 30, 2024

More Justice Jackson surprises?

noted last week that she dissented in Erlinger, where she not only defended the Sentencing Guidelines but questioned the wisdom of Apprendi.  

And that was just the start -- she also joined the conservative majority in Fischer v. United States, the January 6th obstruction case and wrote her own concurring opinion.  Interestingly, Justice Barrett dissented (she was joined by Kagan and Sotomayor).

Jackson: "Our commitment to equal justice and the rule of law requires the courts to faithfully apply criminal laws as written, even in periods of national crisis and even when the conduct alleged is indisputably abhorrent."


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Not all Judges are as predictable as some others...

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Applies to Barrett as well.

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Barrett and Jackson are very interesting and thoughtful jurists. And they're young. When the gray hairs like Thomas, Alito, and Sotomayor (all in their 70s) are worm food, Barrett and Jackson will be at the height of their influence.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Dear Mr. Markus:

    I am writing to you for some advice. I am fortunate to have a job where I have summers off. Today was my last day of work and I am looking forward to taking some time off with my lovely wife.

    Because I did such a great job, this year, a friend has offered me, in the form of a gratuity, the opportunity to take a number of trips.

    A villa in Lake Como with the use of vintage Ferrari.

    A stay on a private Island in The Maldives.

    Big game hunting in Tanzania.

    On second thought, why should I have to choose, I will go to all three.

    Thanks anyway!

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Dear “Clarence “

    I often say that public servants do not get the opportunities we in the private sector have to spend our summers with the Clooneys in Lake Cuomo. If you have a chance to take some well earned time off I fully support your choices. Looking forward to next October. You know in my firm I show up on the first Monday in October wearing a tux. It’s a tradition. Have a great summer.
    Your pal

    Ps. Can you maybe channel some Scalia and affirm a few motions to suppress? It’s getting kinda hard out here to find any decent precedent.

    PSS let’s be on a first name basis. Sonia and I are.
