Monday, October 30, 2023

Breaking -- U.S. Attorney's Office names new Criminal Chief and Deputy Chief

Congratulations to Peter Forand and Maria Medetis, the new Chief and Deputy Chief of the criminal division at the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Mark Lapointe named them both today in an office-wide email.    

More to follow.


  1. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Those are great people, but the internal disfunction seems to be continuing over there. Running around and cracking heads would be one thing from the U.S Attorney if the office was actually back to bringing meaningful prosecutions and working again. But I don't see that happening. How it ever recovers from the previous U.S. Attorney and all of her ASA hires is unclear. Major crimes was the heart of the office and is a shadow of its former self. Worse, the entire office seems to have lost the institutional knowledge of how to do big things, and I don't hear anyone taking about wanting to be an AUSA like they used to. I wouldn't. The stories of what the judges are seeing in court from the AUSAs are even worse.

  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Ding dong…

    Peter is straight as they come. Very good choice. Don’t know the other one.

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    More time for First Lady of Miami Beach duties in the final days of the Gelber administration. Not all bad ...
