Friday, May 08, 2009

D.O.M. canned me

Honestly, I don't know how D.O.M. does this and runs a practice. It's like being Dick Vitale and Coach K for the same game. Anyway, a week of wearing just one hat was nearly more than he could take. And this morning's little joke certainly didn't help. As soon as he saw that, my blogging was done. He was all, "You're totally out of hand," and, "You're not taking blogging seriously," and, "People depend on this," and the whole nine. I know, I know: It's like Stewart firing Colbert for being too silly, but he was pretty mad.

"Did you say you were going to apply to be U.S. Attorney?"

"I said I was thinking about—"

"And you're not going to apply, are you?"

"Of course not, but I'm pretty sure people got that."

"And did you not use my PACER account for a post about Paris Hilton?"

"Sure, but—"

"And did you not ignore all the comments from my readers?"

"Stop crossing me, D. I'm not some government agent," I said. "At least as far as you and Acosta know."

D.O.M. went slackjawed. He had the exact look that Carrie Underwood's boyfriend must have had when he saw what she did to his truck.

"What?" I said. "Too soon?"


  1. You did good, Perfesser.

    Listen, the dude's like that -- he canned me too the second he whupped the government's tuches.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    You did a fantastic job. Well balanced commentary on your part.

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    dude - the thought of Rickie listening to country music has me all confused.....

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Rickey - if you start your own blog - I will never read S.D. Florida blog again. You are the best!

  5. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I am with 3:09. I love a guy who steals a pacer account and thinks that it is ok to do so.

    D.O.M. is way too serious. It's like he never left Harvard.

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This visiting blogger was great.

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I mean, anyone who has ever met Rick should have expected that he his posts would be a combination of David Lat and Perez Hilton. D.O.M. should have seen this coming.

  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Really? Is either Lat or Hilton a published legal scholar?

  9. Anonymous6:43 PM

    More of the visiting blogger, please.

  10. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Bring back Marcusssssssssssss

  11. Anonymous7:13 PM

    didnt little ricky once work at suckerman spader???

  12. Prof. Bascuas' posts on this blog helped me get through 3L spring exams.

    The Carrie Underwood video put it over the top. Well played.

  13. Everyone knows DOM has no sense of humor. Look what happened in his last trial. The last thing the AUSAs said before he hauled them before the court was "gee David, can't you take a joke? Here's your discovery."
