Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Written Testimony

For those that are interested, here is my written testimony to the Sentencing Commission.


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    David, I just reviewed your written testimony to the Sentencing Commission and I think you did a great job. The Guidelines are more complicated than the IRS tax code and brutally unfair. Keep up the good work as a champion for defendants' rights.

  2. Outstanding David!

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I didn't read Democracy in America, but would de Tocqueville really have said that the jury is "the quintessential American quality"? Didn't we get that from the British?

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    de Tocqueville wasn't British?

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    blah blah blah all things against a defendant are unfair, you are a predictable bore

  6. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Hey 9:53 you are predictably pathetic. The irony is one day your son, father, cousin or uncle or best friend will be accused of a crime and you will be begging to find an attorney who is committed to vigorously and zealously defending him/her. You will ponder why prosecutors like your friends in Alaska hide evidence. You will wonder why the govt defines Brady and Giglio in the narrowest as "its really not that helpful" and "you dont need it anyway because your guy is guilty." You will see that cops do lie even when there motive is simply not to lose. You will be pretending not be 9:53 when you call David O. Markus to represent that friend or family member so he treats you with the same respect he treats his other clients.

  7. MEEEEESTER MARKUS. I have all the cases you need to try right now. There's a backlog in this district and you've just become our number one volunteer. Get your trial suit on. Here we go. Shirley will be calling shortly.
