Thursday, October 20, 2022

Parkland and the Future of the Death Penalty


By John R. Byrne

Fallout continues from the death penalty phase of the Parkland shooter. The Sun Sentinel covers recent court rulings on Florida’s death penalty here. Before 2016, Florida law allowed just a majority of jurors to recommend the death penalty to a judge. In Hurst v. Fla., 577 U.S. 92 (2016), the Supreme Court overturned that law in an 8-1 decision. Although Florida law now requires a unanimous jury vote recommending death, there is talk of changing the law (Alabama allows a 10-2 vote, for example). 


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Alabama? Now we want to emulate the great state of Alabama. Other than college football that is not a state you want to follow or look to for anything. The death penalty is barbaric and backwards ass. A civilized society should not be putting anyone to death, much less without a unanimous verdict. The political posturing by those invoking the Parkland case is low.

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The only change that should be made is that the death penalty be abolished. Frankly, life in prison is probably worse from a consequential standpoint than a quick death filled with many painkillers.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    For the pro-life Catholics among us, the Church's position is plain: the Catholic Church is against the death penalty and it is the duty of all Catholics to advocate for the abolition of the death penalty.


  4. Welcome to the party. Florida will go to 8-4 , 7-5 having been found unconstitutional. Then they will go to 9-3. Etc. and if 8-4 works they will go all the way down to a judge being able to override a unanimous life rec. And somehow - call me crazy - I don’t see that offending Alito and Roberts.

  5. Anonymous3:30 PM

    College football is barbaric and backwards ass. A civilized society should not be putting anyone to play college football.
