Monday, May 09, 2022

All That Jazz

By Michael Caruso

As David previously posted, Chief Justice Roberts spoke at the Eleventh Circuit Judicial Conference last week. More precisely, Senior Judge Ed Carnes interviewed Chief Justice Roberts fireside chat style. While Chief Justice Roberts's comments on "leakgate" garnered the media's attention, Judge Carnes's entire interview was quite revealing.

For example, we learned that the Chief Justice is the Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution. Chief Justice Roberts told a wonderful story about an event at the Smithsonian where he played an integral role. The Smithsonian had arranged for the legendary jazz musician Wynton Marsalis to play. Chief Justice Roberts asked whether the Smithsonian could lend Louis Armstrong's trumpet to Marsalis for the performance. And that's exactly what happened. This event marked the first time a historic instrument from the Smithsonian’s collection had been put back into actual service. Marsalis later said, “It sounded better than I thought it would sound. In terms of music, his horn sounded good because of him. When he’s not playing, you don’t think you’re going to pick up Louis Armstrong’s trumpet and sound like him.” Because jazz is the only true American art form, connecting our past, present, and future through an event like this is special. Here's a video of the performance.

Talking about our future, Justice Thomas—also interviewed at the conference—spoke at length about his concern for our country. In particular, he expressed his worry about the declining respect for governmental institutions and the rule of law.


  1. Thomas is worried about our future as a country?? Because his wife and her cohorts failed in an attempt to subvert democracy and keep a lunatic in power? Just what is he worried about? Global warming? Women's rights? Gun violence? Children being shot at school?
    I'm not seeing his concerns.

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Justice Thomas' concern for protecting the integrity of our institutions sounds too much like the arsonist advocating for fire protection.

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Any notion the Supreme Court is worthy of our respect died when Mitch torpedoed the President's pick, then jammed through Orange Mussolini's selection.

    There is no "rule of law." It's all bullshit.

  4. Anonymous1:57 PM

    LOL who's the ignorant one here? Not Justice Thomas.

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    1:57 - Accepting that Thomas is not ignorant and that we need not jump in the gutter insulting the guy, don't you think it is a bit rich that he is worried about our government institutions and rule of law in light of his wife's conduct?

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Has Hillary Clinton or Stacey Abrams conceded yet? Why do they both continue to damage our democracy by claiming their elections were stolen? Why won't the DOJ arrest the extremists showing up to supreme court justices homes in order to protest/threaten? It is a federal criminal law violation to do so yet the current president supports that type of vile thuggish behavior. Imagine the responses if the roles were reversed. We would never hear the end of it from the likes of Markus and Caruso.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      7:00pm- try to stay on point....troll on FB, not here...

  7. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Hillary Clinton conceded the day after the election. Hillary Clinton NEVER states the 2016 election was fraud or stolen. She is not the one damaging our democracy

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    451 stop lying. Hillary said again just a few weeks ago that Russia stole the election from her. I notice u didn't even try to deny that Stacey Abrams continues to lie.

  9. Anonymous4:15 PM

    To 7:00 PM
    YES. Hilary conceded.

  10. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Hillary, one month ago:

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      It is Thomas who is helping to erode confidence in the judiciary, along with the rest that have thrown out precedent for politics.
