Sunday, April 10, 2022

How would a Republican Senate affect Biden's judicial picks?

 Would they all get blocked?  What would happen to a Supreme Court nominee? After the KBJ hearings, it is going to be interesting to see how it all plays out, especially if the Republicans take the Senate in November.  

The Supreme Court is now a pretty young court:

Thomas -- 73

Alito -- 72

Roberts -- 67

Sotomayor -- 67

Kagan -- 61

Kavanaugh -- 57

Gorusch -- 54

Jackson -- 51

Barrett -- 50

Meantime, we are still waiting on a U.S. Attorney and judges here in SDFLA... what's going on there?!


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The Biden DOJ is very weak. There is no reason a US Atty should not have been nominated by now. Screw this blue chip nonsense. It was broken by Trump so I see no reason the dems must still play by old rules. Even worse, the party that obstructs Supreme Court nominees should not have any say whatsoever. They personally would not be my picks but I say nominate Thomas and all the others that were not given hearings. I would do it just to make the point you cannot obstruct the system and have no consequences. Dems are weak. They bring a covered dish to a gun fight.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Get some decent nominees and Rubio would sign off

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Rubio is a shill.

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Yes who among us doesn't recall the democrats just lying down and letting Kavanaugh sail through without any opposition. Some covered dish that was.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Rubio is a disgrace. Vote his ass out of office.

  5. Very simple. This is the last Supreme Court confirmation for Biden unless he gains seats in the senate. No party in power in the senate will confirm another party holding the presidency’s pick even if they court goes to 8,7,or 6 members.
    Mark my words.
    Why is this the last pick for Biden ? Manchin won’t vote to confirm another pick.

  6. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Not sure why you take up space on Dave's blogs with your drivel.

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Rubio wouldn't know a qualified judicial nominee if he walked into
    him/her. A partisan hack in an empty suit who can always be counted on to do the worst thing for Florida and the best for himself.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Even worse when nominee is a political hack and moves whole family to carpet bag into a vacant spot.

  8. 303. Specifically to annoy you. And considering the space I have in your head , it’s working !

  9. Anonymous9:01 AM

    It is absolutely inexcusable that Biden hasn't nominated a person for U.S. Attorney and any judge for the vacancies. I mean, without nominating anybody, there is no chance for the senators to do anything on the nomination. I give Biden props for his appointments in all blue states, but he has been just abysmal in red or purple states. That is point one.

    Point two is that certain of the judges who are eligible for senior status should take it, which, apart from creating vacancies, would (may) also attract attention to the need and to the process.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Those senior judges’ egos won’t allow them to step down, look at RBG. They’ll have to carry some out off the bench in a bag!!
