Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What is the GOP doing at the KBJ hearings? (UPDATED)


Political theatre at its worst.... and nothing to do with judging or being a Justice.

These two -- Cruz and Jackson -- were on law review together at HLS.  One is blowing up pictures of books that KBJ has never discussed or written about.... literally nothing to do with her. But he wants to run for president. 

The other is trying to stay poker-faced and answer questions about her record.  She's doing a wonderful job and will be confirmed.  

UPDATE -- if the first day of questioning was disappointing for those of us who want a fair and objective Senate, the second day was a total embarrassment.  Cruz, Hawley, Cotton... wow. 


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I guess you have forgotten about the DEM antics at the Kavanaugh and ACB hearings.

    Your welcome

    1. At least what they were a asked was TRUE!! ACB totally unqualified...

  2. Anonymous2:54 PM


    So you think what Cruz is doing is ok? That this is what is supposed to be happening? Is that your point? Or are you just crying like my five year old that "it's not fair because her sister did it first"?

    Please explain.

  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Like Mr. Markus wrote, this is all political theater. In which both sides engage. I simply do not think it furthers the discussion to only point at the latest example without noting that fact.

    Would I question KBJ like Sen. Cruz? No. Would I have questioned ACB like Sen. Feinstein? No. Would I like the Senators to have a serious debate and discussion about the qualities a Supreme Court Justice should possess? Yes. Is that likely in my lifetime? No.

    We have serious problems in this country, we need serious people to solve them-Andrew Shepard.

    And by the way if you let your daughter get away with it then your son has a point.

  4. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Just say what you guys want to say and reference her as a "N....>" black woman. That's exactly what your and the racist GOP's problem with her. The same problem you people had with the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice on the bench. We didn't have civil rights until the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice was appointed. Because he knew what it was like to be oppressed and eat shit. And this Black woman might bring further awareness to oppressive behavior of the pieces of shit.

  5. The system is broken. We used to confirm justices and judges with 90+ votes. Now confirmation hearings are just a political opportunity to hurt the other party. It’s a mockery of what a hearing should be. Again I say this sh#t show is nothing compared to what it would have been and might be if Biden gets another two appointments for unexpected reasons. Then you will really see the wheels come off the bus. John Marshall wouldn’t be confirmed in that scenario.

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    By only painting this as a GOP issue, you are not being intellectually honest. Please remember Bork, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and ACB. There is blame on both sides.

    Meanwhile, lost in all of this is Justice Breyer's selfless decision to retire early to give Biden this historic pick. Contrast that with our judges appointed by a Democrat administration who are eligible to take senior but who are sitting on their hands.

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I hope Justice Thomas is called by God. Who would be nominated to replace him?

    1. Bless his harassing. traitor to his race,batsh!t crazy "best friend" wife loving, crooked as h&ll soul...

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Very distasteful 11:33. Be better.

  9. Anonymous12:17 PM

    It seems to me that we as a nation ought to acknowledge that there is one institution in the United States renowned for academic excellence: Vanderbuilt University.

    The law school the Cruz fellow went to cannot be much of a school. The proof, the old adage goes, is in the pudding. Pudding is a good description of the state of Cruz’s brain. The level of instruction has to be low if it cranks out morons like him. It does not reflect poorly on the candidate that she went to a law school one step above night school. She’s not wealthy. But lets not think that being a graduate of Nova-on-the-Charles is something to brag about.

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    At least it's not Yale.

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Triva question time. Who was the last justice confirmed by the opposite party. Answer: Clarence Thomas. Joe Biden was chair of the judiciary committee. Let that sink in for a moment. All other justices were confirmed only because their party controlled the Senate.
    I think Kavanaugh got a horrible treatment. But his nomination was a troll being on the Clinton impeachment to get his prior federal judge position. He was treated bad with Senators reading his high school yearbook. However for a federal judge to yell at Senators screaming about beer in tears was an outrage. If you acted that way in his courtroom you would have been held in contempt. Ask yourself if KBJ cried and yelled at Sen Cruz and Hawley. She would have not been painted as a victim the way Kavanaugh was. She would be painted as unstable angry black woman. Its the tale of 2 Americas. While elite male can act this way but a black woman must just take the abuse with a smile.

    1. The days of turn the other cheek to the wanna be privileged is over! She told them in a proper way...Kavanagh reminded me of J Kasternakis!
