Thursday, July 22, 2021

Breaking — Rubio JNC announces finalists

For Judge, they recommend David Leibowitz and Detra Shaw-Wilder  

For US Attorney, Jackie Arango, Markenzie Lapointe, and Andres Rivero  

For Marshal, Gadyaces Serralta  


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Why only 2 names for FDC? There are 2 openings right? There's only 1 US attorney position but they sent 3 names? Why so few names for the court?

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Seems like Rubio is offering Biden an "I'll give you one if you give me and Norman Braman one" deal

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Good one, 6:06 PM. You would be correct.

  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    How else does Rubio pay Braman back for employing his wife and "donating" millions of dollars in PAC money to him. Braman has to maintain Rubio's expensive lifestyle. Requiring Biden to pick Braman's nephew is a small token of Little Marco's appreciation. Rubio is brazenly corrupt, acts with impunity, and no one has the spine to call Braman's puppet out for this. There was a time, not that long ago, that Rubio and Braman would not get away with this. Utterly disgusting for the JUST-US system.

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So Rubio included potential nominees who weren't recommended by the pointless House JNC? Shocked, shocked.

  6. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Disgusting. Florida sucks.

  7. It smells bad and I am no Rubio fan but the democrat party is so weak and non-existent in Florida that they let it happen. As Bill Maher says, democrats don't bring a knife to a gun fight, they bring a covered dish. Lets pretend that Romney won in 2012 and the Dems controlled the Senate and never gave S/FL nominees a hearing. The next time a republican won and controlled the Senate those names who were not given a hearing would be nominated again. Yet democrats roll over and play dead. Its just what they also do in redistricting fights. The GOP eliminates Dems on the map and when Dems control statehouses in other states, they dont play that game. They create impartial panels to create the state's federal districts. Its just like living in Cuba. One party rule. You cant be nominated unless you kiss Rubio's ring yet the Dems control the White House and Senate. Please dont lecture me on traditions either. Trump appointed federal appellate judges who were not endorsed by either of the state's Senators. The GOP understands power, the Dems do not. I am not even a democrat but it scares me how corrupt the FL Supreme Court is and how our federal bench is being stacked with favors and special interests to GOP elites. Biden will sign off on these and the Dems will bring a covered dish to the ceremony.

  8. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The delusion that democrats are too nice is always hilarious. Those were some covered dishes they brought Brett Kavanaugh, Miguel Estrada (unprecedented filibuster of a judicial nomination because he was Hispanic), Jack Ryan (unsealed embarrassing divorce records so Barack Obama could win a Senate seat), multi-year campaign that the President who defeated Saint Hillary stole the election with Russian help, 18 months of calling Ron Desantis a murderer, "punch back twice as hard" Obama.

  9. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Let's stop the bickering and praise who will likely be the presumptive nominees. Each is highly qualified, each comes from a nontraditional (for this district) background, and each is a good person. Bravo, JAC.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    We will be incredibly lucky to get Detra on the court. Fingers are crossed we (and she) don’t get screwed by politics.

  11. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Forget Rubio. Not like he's trustworthy. Biden should pick
    whoever he wants, including the nominees his JNC picked.

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    @6:00 -- Detra was picked by the Dems' pseudo-JNC. Looks like this is teeing up for a compromise nomination. Give us Liebowitz, we'll give you Shaw-Wilder.

  13. No way a Dem should ever let Rubio pick anything...if the car salesman pick wasn't wanted by Trump why the hell should Biden pick him... pick someone qualified and shown to be fair!
