Sunday, December 06, 2020

Greatest lineup ever

One of the fun parts of doing the podcast For the Defense is hearing follow-up stories about the lawyers and cases. I've received a lot of feedback on the Roy Black interview about the Luis Alvarez case.  

Here's one bit of information I did not know before the interview -- there was a photo lineup conducted where witnesses were asked to identify the shooter (Officer Alvarez).  Alvarez had a mustache, so the folks putting together the lineup got a bunch of pictures of police officers and others with mustaches.  But they needed one more (Alvarez is #4) and couldn't find a usable picture.  So they asked a familiar face to join the lineup in picture # 6 below:

Any guesses?  I'll put the answer in the comments so it's not spoiled here.


  1. Picture #6 is then-Assistant State Attorney and now-U.S. District Judge Robert Scola.

  2. Luis is number 4

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Oh my gosh! That is so good.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Robert Gross?

  5. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Bob Scola? I never knew that he had a mustache!
