Friday, October 09, 2020

SDFLA Grand Juries to return sooner than planned

 Chief Judge Moore previously ordered the suspension of grand juries until January 4.  But there has been an effort to get a grand jury up and running before then, and now multiple sources have confirmed that the goal is to have one by mid-November.  We have schools, restaurants, and even open stadiums, so it's no wonder that we will have grand juries soon enough.  Let's see if they actually show up!


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    files those speedies! If you can dodge a grand jury, you can dodge a petite jury. No longer an excuse for not having criminal trials if they have grand juries.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Keep pushing for trials before it is safe. Maybe you can be the first lawyer to do a trial and die as a result of catching covid

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    So you're just gonna indict people, jail them pretrial, and be offended that some think they should have a speedy trial...but hey, thanks for wishing death on me!

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I do not think they should indict people until they can safely try them. There is a backlog of cases that need to be tried. It is wrong to hold people without trial indefinitely, even though, if we are honest with ourselves,the overwhelming majority are guilty and will plead guilty or be convicted after trial. But I am not willing to risk my life over the principle. Perhaps you are a better man than I.....

  4. They are already in custody on complaints, don't you think they deserve to have PC determined by a grand jury?

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Your joking right? Yeah, the great protections of a grand jury! Ha. Much better to have a APC hearing.

  6. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I wouldn't.

  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    @539. It's not being a "better man" than you, it's just being a different man than you. And this different man than you is ready willing and able to serve the interests of judicial process. If you're not ready, no judgment. But please get out of my way. If you speak Spanish, you may be familiar with the expression, "no come, ni deja comer." Don't be that guy.

  8. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Look at the schools. COVID. Look at the restaurants. COVID. Great idea.

  9. Anonymous1:16 PM


    Look at your house. Stay there. Look at your business. Mind it.

    My clients and my firm have a right to handle our business as we deem best without you getting in the way.

    Don't want to go to court because of COVID? I get it. Stay home. AND stay out of my way.

    Due process protections need protecting. Those who would sacrifice some freedom for some security deserve neither.
