Thursday, May 28, 2020

News & Notes

1. David Ovalle covers Zoom hearings in Miami here.  I like Phil Reizenstein's quote. Many people don't know that Phil is an avid poker player:
“There are subtle in-person clues you can’t pick up when you’re questioning someone during an online hearing. It’s the difference between playing poker at a table versus online,” said Miami defense lawyer Philip Reizenstein, who by mistake appeared recently in an online court hearing in front of a virtual background created by one of his children: a pink-and-purple Minecraft cartoon house.
Scott Fingerhut also makes an important point about Zoom:
Lawyers also worry about witnesses being coached by people off screen, or looking at notes. “You need a full shot of a witness,” said lawyer H. Scott Fingerhut, who teaches criminal procedure at Florida International University’s law school. “How else do you know if they are holding a phone for texting for advice, or a script nearby?”
2.  The SDFLA is now soliciting feedback on Magistrate Judge Patrick Hunt for his reappointment.  I urge all of you to support Judge Hunt here.

3.  I will be debating Professor Carissa Hessick about judicial power and the Flynn case next Friday at 2pm at this Federalist Society Event.  Clark Neily of Cato will be hosting.  Should be fun.  It's free and via Zoom.  You can register here.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    David, if I watch the debate, an I get CLE credit?

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Scott Fingerhut and Phil Reizenstein. Two class acts.
