Monday, February 10, 2020

BREAKING -- Judge Federico Moreno to take senior status.

Wow, this is big news.

Judge Moreno has been the heart and soul of this Court for 30 years.  He's been the Chief and on Trump's short list for the Supreme Court. 

He gave his notice today that he will take senior status when his replacement is confirmed or on July 17, 2020 (he has thirty years of service as of July 16), whichever comes first.

Here is the official letter:

I will write more about Judge Moreno shortly, but a big shout out to him for his service to the bar and the community.


  1. Hands down my favorite judge ever.

  2. Wow. That is big and surprising news. I would have thought that A few court dinosaurs like Martinez and Ungaro would have gone. Assuming he has consulted a few people about replacement. Maybe Arzola play. Has JNC Chair Kadre convened committee yet. Exciting news but a few others should have retired before him. He is still vibrant, young and hardworking.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Not my favorite. Always acted like he was far and away the smartest person in the courtroom, and therefore no way you were ever going to change his mind (which was usually made up before taking the bench).

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    There's no JNC. Just the Federalist Society. Your welcome!

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Word on the street is that a certain United States Attorney is a lock for the seat, and that she will be hiring her clerks directly from the pool of ASAs finishing their first year in County Court.

    Anticipates being a feeder into the US Attorney's Office SD Fla. It will be called the "Pipeline to the Stars...and Stripes" and only feature former ASAs who have won more than half of their first year DUI trials.

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I've never appeared in front of a smarter judge. At least that's what he told me.

  7. I'm still foggy on how pictures are legally taken inside a federal court. Does the judge issue an order allowing a photograph?

  8. Anonymous10:56 AM

    A judge may authorize broadcasting, televising, recording, or taking photographs in the courtroom and in adjacent areas during investitive, naturalization, or other ceremonial proceedings. A judge may authorize such activities in the courtroom or adjacent areas during other proceedings, or recesses between such other proceedings, only:

    1) for the presentation of evidence;
    2) for the perpetuation of the record of the proceedings;
    3) for security purposes;
    4) for other purposes of judicial administration;
    5) for the photographing, recording, or broadcasting of appellate arguments; or
    6) in accordance with pilot programs approved by the Judicial Conference.

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    excellent post

  10. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Limited fake Rudy:

    Never would have passed Rocks for Jocks without him!
