Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Judge Barbara Lagoa confirmed to the 11th Circuit

The vote was 80-15

Congratulations Judge Lagoa!

The 11th Circuit has now technically “flipped.” But both Luck and Lagoa are much more down the middle than their predecessors.


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Your welcome

    -The Federalist Society

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    David -- I think it's too soon to tell where Luck and Logoa will fall vis-a-vis Tjoflat and Marcus. Both Tjoflat and Marcus are certainly conservative, especially on criminal cases. But remember that Marcus dissented in the Obamacare case; I'm not so sure one could say with certainty how either Luck or Lagoa would come out on that case. Just an example.

  3. 4:27, fair enough. And you're right, I'm speaking from a criminal law perspective. Both Lagoa and Luck are good people and are not ideologues. I think they are good appointments.

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    2:02, the Federalist Society knows how to use "you're" correctly. You blew your cover. Sorry.

  5. They are down the middle only if you are in England, driving on the right side of the road.
    One of them may have a shot at SCOTUS if Trump gets a second term. Otherwise, as young as they are, they are writing decisions for ten years down the road when the Republican party (if it still exists and hasn't been blown to bits by the current members) may re-take the white house and they will have another shot at SCOTUS. If they aren't seeking a higher prize, then maybe-maybe- they will write decisions based on common sense and fairness. But don't bet on it for the immediate future. A Judge with an agenda is a very dangerous person.

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Agree with Rumpole. When Judge Pryor was on the SCOTUS shortlist the last time around, some conservative groups campaigned against him because, in one case, he RULED IN FAVOR OF A TRANSGENDER PLAINTIFF. His ruling in that case said, basically, that transgender men and women have constitutional rights. But that put him too far to the left for groups that were hugely influential in the nomination process.
    The fact that anyone would think of Pryor as too far to the left is truly insane. But outcomes like that will be difficult for ambitious jurists to ignore.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Judges who claim to rule based on "common sense and fairness" are the ones who have an agenda.

  8. Anonymous11:06 AM

    What do you mean by flipped?

  9. Bob Becerra1:19 PM

    Why did twice as many senators vote against Luck's nomination as opposed to Lagoa? Weird.

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    @Bob Becerra

    Lagoa is a minority woman. Luck is a white male. Democrats are the "no" votes, and democrats find it easier to vote "no" on white males.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Or perhaps it's because Luck is only 42 and doesn't have the experience for a lifetime appointment to a court of appeals .

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    12:38 PM -- Luck is 40.
