Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ed Carnes to take senior status

Big news out of the 11th Circuit... Chief Judge Ed Carnes is taking senior status.  That means Donald Trump will get another judge on that court.  Currently pending are Barbara Logoa and Robert Luck.  But this seat won't go to a Florida lawyer or judge.  This one will go to someone from Alabama. 

The word is that District Judge Andrew Brasher is the favorite.  He's from the Middle District of Alabama.  If confirmed along with Lagoa and Luck, Trump will have appointed 6 judges to the court. 

Chief Judge Carnes has been on the court since 1992 (Bush) and has been Chief since 2013.


  1. I want to take senior status.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Dear Libs,

    We own you.


    The Federalist Society

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The Federalist Society takeover of the judiciary has taken 40 years. They were persistent. It is the only conservative cause borne of the Reagan revolution that has produced concrete results. Trump is no conservative and in another time would have been run out of the Republican Party. This entire impeachment effort is for one reason: another Trump term means he will replace Ginsburg and Breyer with young and unimpeachable Federalist Society members.

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    12:22 I dispute one point. The "entire impeachment effort" is not about Supreme Court Justices. It's about the President allegedly committing high crimes and misdemeanors while in office.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      You mean like Russian collusion?

  5. It is strange that this place will go to someone not from Florida, but Allabama.

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    5:42 AM -- Not really, since Ed Carnes is from Alabama and so his replacement will be from there.
